Development & conception of a solution given piece-mail divergent and varitiant processes...

  • I am walking into a position in a large scale corporation and their client-tel and the offerings and services are to a host of 100's of companies that have been developed in a one off solution bases; meaning there are separate tables, stored procedures, and software for each client they are in business with, and the ultimate result is that we have EDI files that need to be processed and loaded into the database per each client requirement. The technologies are EDI, DTS, stored procedures, and script for validation. Current processing is to create DTS packages for every client they have on boarded. So there are hundreds of DTS packages that have been created for each client and thus this data contained in the EDI files must be mapped to a standard that will work with the data model of the database.

    The problem/solution I have been assigned is to come up with a solution that will handle all EDI files imports, staging, and loading for all these variants of files.

    I am having a hard time even conceptualizing how this can be handled with one technology. I believe that SSIS can handle this type of thing through its capabilities (i.e. data transformation) but having never done it before to this level of complexity I have little understanding of the development effort hat is required. I also know there are companies with their own software offers that strive to meet the possible needs of a situation like this.

    I have to take this step-by-step but what I really would appreciate is someone with more experience and scope of understanding to help me understand my limitations and the steps to progress forward.


    A clever person solves a problem. A wise person avoids it. ~ Einstein
    select cast (0x5365616E204465596F756E67 as varchar(128))

  • We've been taking on a somewhat similiar task (trying to standardize an integration layer), and it's been a LONG road for us.

    From what I've seen:

    - your first step is to analyze the processes, and find out how much is really all that different? was the same basic process repeated over and over, just with new copies of the tables? Do you internally process the files in the same way once you intake the EDI, or are there radical differences? Do you have any say in recommending process changes to bring them together, or are they entirely "fixed"?

    - what's the goal for coming up with a single process? You have a somewhat disorganized process, but it sounds like it's still functional. what exactly are you hoping to get out of this? You need to havbe a problem to know how to attack it.

    - if standardization of the process is the goal - is that standard process actually defined in your shop, or is it still theoretical? What if you find that there are SEVERAL "standard processes" (say - three or four) that would address all of the needs.

    In short - you have to really understand the WHY before you can get to the HOW.

    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?

  • Link:

    Description: Hi,I have one table student, i.e stdnt_id,stdnt_name,stdnt_activityi have values in student table like this.stdnt_id stdnt_name stdnt_activity1 kiran 51 kiran 101 kiran 152 sachin 52 sachin 103 venkat 53 venkat 103 venkat 154 kumar 54 kumar 105 naveen 55 naveen 10Here stdnt_activity 5 mean -> Pending , 10 -> Inprogress, 15 means -> ClosedSo, i want a query to dispaly the values of student table based on cndition.the condition is for example:The student kiran having stdnt_activity 5,10,1.

    full detail

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