Developing report with Oracle back-end

  • I am developing a report using BIDS with an Oracle backend.

    I am trying to calculate the difference between 2 dates and filter where it's <= 2.

    The 2 fields are date fields and i am using:

    TO_DATE(TO_CHAR(SYSDATE), 'dd/mm/yyyy') - TO_DATE(TO_CHAR(ITEM_DATA.DATE1), 'dd/mm/yyyy')

    This gives me 14, but when i then add a filter <= 2, it will not work. I have tried lots of combinations

    ie SYSDATE - ITEM_DATA.DATE1 but keep running into errors.

    Can someone put me out of my misery??!!

    Thanks, Steve

  • Hi

    Your to_char and to_char statements are not correct, it should be like this:

    TO_DATE(TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'dd/mm/yyyy'),'dd/mm/yyyy') - TO_DATE(TO_CHAR(ITEM_DATA.DATE1, 'dd/mm/yyyy'),'dd/mm/yyyy')

    Hope this helps 🙂

  • Thanks for the response.

    However, the issue is that if I try to apply a filter to this statement, say <= 2, it is automatically changed to <= TO_DATE(2, 'J') and then fails. I've also tried using wrapping TO_NUMBER etc around the expression but none of these functions work.

    The issue seems to be converting the expression to a number and then applying a numerical filter to this but I can't seem to find the right combination?

  • Try adding substring function to your date conversion before you add the to_number conversion, then perform your numeric operation, and filter on this new field:


    SUBSTR(TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'dd/mm/yyyy'),'dd/mm/yyyy'),1,2)

    ) -


    SUBSTR(TO_CHAR(DateField, 'dd/mm/yyyy'),'dd/mm/yyyy'),1,2)

    ) as Day_Diff


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