Developer wants more SQL access

  • Hi All,

    Our organization does not officially have a "DBA".  That title does not exist. Yes, it's true.  Myself and another person pretty much do all of the database work, but we do not get called DBA's until we are both off on the same day and something goes wrong. 

    That being said.................

    I have received a request from a developer who states "At a minimum it would be nice to run alters, create tables, veiws, stored procedures, drop tables etc...".

    I know that is a pretty strong "minimum" request, but is there a way to give a developer the above access to just one database without turning them loose to all of the databases on the server??

    Thanks in advance.




  • You can add the developer to db_dlladmin role in that database alone so that he will be able to fire all DDL sttements in that database but not in other databases.

    Sugeshkumar Rajendran
    SQL Server MVP

  • Thanks Sugesh, that took care of it!

  • "I have received a request from a developer who states "At a minimum it would be nice to run alters, create tables, veiws, stored procedures, drop tables etc...".

    I PRESUME you're talking about a TEST Database

    Just remember that all changes need to be scripted and QA'd before going to production.....otherwise you'll save 5 minutes now and pay for it with weeks and months of poor performance later.

  • If you're going to let them create objects you should either make sure they create them as explicitly owned by dbo, or just make them the db_owner.

    I don't disagree with the comment from Andrew about this not being a good idea, but I've seen a lot of organizations with the same charter and you do what it takes to get the job done. Going from no one in charge to a 'real' DBA is often a painful step, developers feel like they went from working for a startup to a government agency because of the processes imposed!

  • We saw this problem with developers when we went public and had to start following SARBOX constraints concerning separation of duties... boy was that fun (and still is!)

  • Thanks for all of your responses.  This is excellent advice that I will implement. 

    Also, it's comforting to know that we are not the only b'ass ackwards shop around!!  

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