Determining the success and frequency of Replication

  • Hi all, firstly excuse my ignorance if these are basic issues, been a long time since I studied Replication.

    I'm on a greenfield site and inherited 2 databases of the same name, structure, and similar sizes, but on different servers, on this site and on a remote one.

    My question now is how do I determine IF the remote server is successfully replicating, and how often, given that the copy on subscribing server (local) is only 7.5Gb? I hope to be able to explain the disparity between the

    Any help appreciated,


  • For the replication frequency, please look at the schedule of the synchronizing agent (merge or distribution, depending on your type of replication).

    The agent history will tell you if there are any errors.


               Paul Ibison SQL Server MVP,



    Paul Ibison

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