Determining Read-Only Database Status

  • To Yelena & jmcgarvey: Thanks ... that's exactly what I was looking for ... so much for coming to computers through logic, and not math. Much appreciated!


    Goal: To select all db's on a server, except for read-only.

    My approach has been to read 'status' field from sysdatabases (2000) or sys.sysdatabases. SqlBOL indicates a 'status' value of 1024 is read-only. I have known r-o db's with status = 1052, 1073742848 as examples.

    a) are these values 'and'ed, 'or'ed?; b) any idea on an approach to 'extract' the read-only value (1024) from these statuses; c) a better approach to identify read-only db's?



  • If you enter each of 1024, 1054 and 1073742848 in the Calculator, set View->Scientific and click Bin button, then you will see that 1024 bit correspond to 1 (one) in the eleventh position from the right. Each of these numbers have 1 in this position. So you have to write a query that converts the status to binary and select the ones with the 1 in eleventh position.

    Also, you can use sp_dboption with the option "read only" to see if it is true.

    Regards,Yelena Varsha

  • This script will help you find the readonly databases on the server.  The real meat of the script is highlighted.  If a db is readonly you will receive a 1 else 0.  The function of the rest of the script will simply build a temp table, insert the information for every db and provide a structured output.  No big deal.  You can find additional information on the DATABASEROPERTY and DATABASEROPERTYEX key words in BOL.  There are a number of functions here.

    if exists (select 1 from tempdb.dbo.sysobjects where name like '%dbmode%' and type = 'u')


     drop table ##dbmode


    create table ##dbmode (

     DBName varchar(60),

     Mode sql_variant)

    set nocount on

    exec master.dbo.sp_msforeachdb

    "USE [?]

    insert ##dbmode

    SELECT db_name(),DATABASEPROPERTY('?', 'IsReadOnly')


    select * From ##dbmode

    order by dbname


    Good Luck

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