Determine SSRS DB Host without configuration manager

  • Is there a way to work out from an SSRS host where its database is located other than starting the SSRS Configuration Manager and checking the database tab?

    I've searched the registry and some of the config files, but can't find an entry stating the current SQL Server instance and database name in clear text.

    If I have an SSRS database I can easily determine which SSRS Instances are using it from the executionlog, but I'd like to go the other way.

  • In case anyone else needs to do this, it looks like I can get it with a WMI query

    MSReportServer_Config class

    \\<servername>\ROOT\Microsoft\SqlServer\ReportServer\<instance>\v10\Admin there's a databaseservername property and other details.

  • Just to reply to my own thread twice, this powershell queries WMI on the server to output the db and other info. You need similar permissions as you do to start RS Configuration Manager on the host.

    Get-WmiObject -Namespace root\Microsoft\SqlServer\ReportServer\RS_MSSQLSERVER\v10\Admin -Class MSReportServer_ConfigurationSetting

    Taken from here:

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