Determine a database name on the fly?

  • Here's a good one...and I'm completely stumpped.

    I'm working in a SQL 2005 environment where one of the potential datasources I need to query is populated from a system that creates a new database each month. I need to be able to tie this information back into data I'm keeping in a warehouse. Based on my run date, I can mathmatically predict the name of the most recent database (or the name of the database I need based on the period I'm reporting on).

    the million dollar question is, is there a way to programattically alias a database (even if I need to run something on a schedule) that will remove the need for me to modify my query each month?

    for example here's what I'm working with now:

    Select stuff, more_stuff, and_lots_more_stuff

    from warehouse.Customers cust

    inner join linked_server_name.DBName2008031.Households hh

    on cust.individual_id = hh.individual_id

    What I want to do is to be able to find a way to alias the name of that database (or dynamically create the database name on the fly) so that I can create a standard query.

    Any ideas? Thanks in advance.

  • What I have done in the past with similar situations is to right my working queries against a set of local Views with the same names as the tables in the monthly DB's that I actually wanted to use.

    Then I wrote scripts that automatically ALTERed the views to point to most recent month's DB and wrote a Job that executed this script at the beginning of each month.

    [font="Times New Roman"]-- RBarryYoung[/font], [font="Times New Roman"] (302)375-0451[/font] blog:, Twitter: @RBarryYoung[font="Arial Black"]
    Proactive Performance Solutions, Inc.
    [font="Verdana"] "Performance is our middle name."[/font]

  • If you are ready to do it dynamically..this would work.

    declare @dbname sysname

    select @dbname = name from [linked_server_name].master.dbo.sysdatabases

    where crdate in (select max(crdate) from [linked_server_name].master.dbo.sysdatabases

    where name not in ('master','msdb','tempdb'))

    EXEC('Select cust.column_name, cust.column_name

    from warehouse.Customers cust

    inner join [linked_server_name].'+ @dbname+'.dbo.households hh

    on cust.individual_id = hh.individual_id')


  • What about using synonyms? One downside is that you would have to drop and create them every month much like the view definitions.

    create table TestIt (a int, b int)

    create table TestIt2 (a int, b int)

    insert into TestIt select 1,2

    insert into TestIt2 select 300,400


    FOR TestIt;


    select * from MyTest



    FOR TestIt2;


    select * from MyTest

  • the problem with synonyms is they're global. so if you're logged into 2 (or more sessions) and redefine a synonym on connection A, connection B's synonym is changed also. does anyone know how to create a session only schema (such as create schema #myschema)? i think this would be a great alternative to awkward dynamic SQL... just decare a synonym (dynamically) and then write 'normal' SQL against the synonymed object without worring about quotes and casting and whatnot.

    back to the original poster's question, we have 40 'local' databases that have identical schemas (tables, views, etc.). the way we handle it is we use the database of choice and define synonyms to all of the common objects (which exist in 4 other databases). so no matter what db you USE, you appear to have all tables/views/etc defined in it.

    here's a rudimentary stored proc to create synonyms for specified objects in the another databases. you'll have to enhance it to meet your needs.

    ALTER procedure [dbo].[uspPointToDB]( @dbname varchar(32), @schema varchar(32) = '', @type varchar(32) = 'U,V' )



    select name, type into #SO from sysobjects where 1 = 2

    declare @prefix varchar(66)

    set @prefix = @dbname + '.'+ @schema + '.'

    declare @sql varchar(max)

    set @sql = 'insert into #SO( name, type )

    select name, type from '+ @prefix + 'sysobjects where charindex('',''+rtrim(type)+'','','','+ @type +','') > 0'

    print @sql

    execute (@sql)-- load #SO with approriate items

    set @sql = ''

    select @sql = @sql + '

    if (object_id(''dbo.'+ name + ''') is not null) drop synonym dbo.'+ name from #SO

    print @sql

    execute (@sql)-- drop any existing synonyms

    set @sql = ''

    select @sql = @sql + '

    create synonym '+ name + ' for '+ @prefix + name from #SO

    print @sql

    execute (@sql)


    BTW, a stored proc appears to always be bound to the objects in it's database. so, if dbA.dbo.uspDoThis implicitly references table dbA..MyTable, a synonym created for it in dbB will still reference dbA..MyTable. Thus a synonymed proc probably won't work as anticipated.

  • Why can't you just create a linked server to that server and query the Master database on it for all the database names? That way you don't have to predict a name either manually or by formula.

    --Jeff Moden

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    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

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  • SYNONYMS! That is EXACTLY what I was looking for... I can create standard synonyms that are rebuilt at the first of the month via a scheduled store procedure...and I can create views that derive from standard synonyms and then modify them on the fly inside stored procedures if I need to reach back in time.


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