Detect missing db FULL backup and backup that db

  • I have a problem I am trying to solve. I would like to run a query of some sort that will compare a list of active databases on an instance of SQL and compare it to the backup history. If a full backup exists for that db, then ignore it. However, if a FULL backup does NOT exist for that db, then perform a FULL backup of that db.

    So, in simpler form:

    If the database has a FULL backup, do nothing

    If the database does NOT have a FULL backup, take a FULL backup of that db.

    Any help would be appreciated. I can find several excellent scripts here that will check to see if a db has a backup...but nothing that will allow me to compare and then perform a backup. I'm not sure how to put all of it together.


  • Hi,

    Take a look at this query , it might help !

    SELECT TOP (10) *


    msdb.dbo.backupmediafamily AS fm

    INNER JOIN msdb.dbo.backupmediaset AS ms ON fm.media_set_id = ms.media_set_id

    INNER JOIN msdb.dbo.backupfile AS bf

    INNER JOIN msdb.dbo.backupset AS bcs ON bf.backup_set_id = bcs.backup_set_id ON ms.media_set_id = bcs.media_set_id

  • This query gives you the date of the last FULL backup of each database or gives you the commandline to perform a FULL backup. Adjust this commandline in the query to fit your needs. You could loop through this output to execute the generated comand lines.


    , bs.type

    , bs.backup_finish_date

    , case when bs.type is null

    then 'BACKUP DATABASE [' + + '] TO DISK = N''C:\SQL\Backup\' + + '.bak'' WITH NOFORMAT, NOINIT, NAME = N''' + + '-Full Database Backup'', SKIP, NOREWIND, NOUNLOAD, STATS = 10'

    else null

    end as Backup_command


    ( -- use a sub-select to determine the date of the last FULL backup for each database

    select database_name

    , type

    , MAX(backup_finish_date) as backup_finish_date

    from msdb..backupset

    where type = 'D'

    group by


    , type) bs

    right outer join master.sys.databases db

    on bs.database_name =

    where <> 'tempdb' -- it's not possible to backup the TEMPDB

    order by bs.backup_finish_date desc

    ** Don't mistake the ‘stupidity of the crowd’ for the ‘wisdom of the group’! **
  • I just cribbed this from a job I run so amend to your needs, but it backups any databases with no backups

    create PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_FirsttimeBkUp]


    set nocount on

    declare @dbase_name sysname,

    @dbase_dbid int,

    @SQLString nvarchar(1000),

    @backupPath nvarchar (250)

    declare DBASE cursor for

    -- identify databases that have never been backed up

    select a.[name], a.[database_id]

    from master.sys.databases a

    left join msdb.dbo.backupset b

    on a.[name] = b.database_name

    and b.type='D'

    where a.[name] not in ('model','tempdb')

    and b.database_name is null

    and a.state_desc = 'online'

    open DBASE

    fetch next from DBASE

    into @dbase_name,@dbase_dbid

    IF @@fetch_status <> 0

    print 'no databases need to be backed up'


    print 'the following databases will be backed up ...'

    while @@fetch_status = 0


    -- set the backup path

    SET @backupPath =

    'your backup path\'

    + @dbase_name + '.bak'

    SET @SQLString = 'BACKUP DATABASE [' + @dbase_name + '] TO DISK = N''' + @backupPath + ''''

    SET @SQLString = @SQLString + ' WITH INIT, STATS = 10'

    -- backup the database

    print ' *** '+@dbase_name+' ***'

    EXEC sp_executesql @SQLString

    fetch next from DBASE

    into @dbase_name,@dbase_dbid


    close DBASE

    deallocate DBASE



  • Thank you to everyone for posting! The help is most appreciated! I will work on this today and report back.

  • Just to follow up....

    SSCertifiable...thank you for the help! This is exactly what was needed. I made some path changes, built the procedure and then executed it. It found newly created databases that did not have a full backup yet and took a full backup of them so the log backups would not fail.

    Thanks again to everyone for the help!

  • glad to help, thanks for the feedback


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