Detach-Attach subscriber database.

  • Hello all,

    Can you detach a subscriber (transactional replication) database, move it to a different drive and reattach it without having to re-initialize? Would you need to disable ‘distribution clean-up’ and the Log-reader agent jobs first? I tried in a test environment and it worked. Am I overlooking anything?



  • You should be ok. How long do you expect the move to take? I wouldn't disable anything but the distribution agent, not logreader or distribution clean-up. If it was going to be a really long copy then I would disable distribution clean-up but I would also ensure that the retentions were set appropriately - but that would be over days and my guess is that it won't take that long. 🙂



    “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose” - Jim Elliot

  • Thanks for the reply David,

    It is a bigger file but you are right, it will not take a day to copy.

    Thanks again,


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