Destination address available in the flat file

  • I have a requirement that when i want to load the data from source to destination by using SSIS. My destination address available in the one more flat file how can i acheive this requirement?

  • Can you explain your question a bit more? (see also the links in my signature)

    What are you exactly trying to do? Move data from source to destination? What is the source? A flat file? A SQL Server database? A database from another vender? What is the destination? Excel file? Flat file? Table in SQL Server? You need to be more specific.

    I understood that the destination address (? Do you mean the connectionstring?) is stored in a flat file. Does the flat file only contains the destination address or also the data that has to be moved?

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  • move data from source to destination:

    source = flatfie

    destination = sql server table

    but source (flat file)path available in one more flat file.

    first i get the source file path and load the data to destination table...

  • So, if I got this right, the following happens:

    you receive 2 flat files:

    one with data, and one with the table name of the destination table.


    Read the flat file with the destination first and store the results in a variable.

    Read the flat file with the data and store the results in a temp/staging table.

    Use dynamic SQL (using the variable) in an Execute SQL Task to write the data from the temp table to the final destination table.

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    MCSE Business Intelligence - Microsoft Data Platform MVP

  • thanks da_zero

    i think this is a good idea i check it like this

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