October 3, 2005 at 11:46 pm
I dont know whether this is the right place to ask this question but as this forum is marked "GENERAL" i am going forward with my question.
This question resemble's the actual problem i have..
Consider a state X who has 10 districts and each of this district have 100 schools,how should i store information of this schools? my current approach is
for each district i have a database created,becoz i know the no of school is going to grow exponentialy ie tomarow there will be another 1000 schools and they after another 1 lakh and it will go on.
so District1(Database)>School (Table)
District2(Database)>School(Table) or
District(Database) and all school information in one table
Please provide a guidlines ...
October 4, 2005 at 3:13 am
This is fairly straightforward. You do not need separate databases for this information, even if the number of schools gets very large - you will find that having everything in the same db will be easier to maintain in the long run, in my opinion.
Here's an example of a suggested table structure:
District(DistrictID, DistrictName, StateID)
(DistrictID is the primary Key, StateID is a foreign key to the State table:
State(StateID, StateName)
(StateID is the PK)
and finally
School(SchoolID, DistrictID)
(SchoolID is the PK, DistrictID is FK to the District table)
I suggest that you do not think of a district as 'having schools' and rather think of a school as having district as an attribute.
The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
Martin Rees
You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead.
Stan Laurel
October 4, 2005 at 4:14 am
Hi Phil Parkin
Thanks for the reply, but the problem at hand is IF i put all school information in single table say for eg
i have 10 district each have say 1 million school's(i have taken this school district as just an example real combination is something else) so total records in the single table will be (10*One million) ok fine let me accept table can handle it.BUT we are sure that district and school will grow exponetially ie
one month down the line it will reach 100 ditstricts and 2 million or more in each district so what will be the situation of the table, i am worried becoz we are sure that 2 to 3 years down the line we will have trillions and trillions of records NOW what to do??
October 4, 2005 at 4:52 am
you could always look at horizontally partitioning the table if the size becomes too much to handle.
October 4, 2005 at 7:40 am
have 10 district each have say 1 million school's(i have taken this school district as just an example real combination is something else) so total records in the single table will be (10*One million) ok fine let me accept table can handle it.BUT we are sure that district and school will grow exponetially ie |
Your supposition is incorrect. Each state will occur once, each district will occur once (a district can only be in one state) and each school will occur only once (a school can only be in once district). Based on your original post, there would be one row in the state table, 10 rows in the district table (linked to state table) and 100 rows in the school table (linked to district). If you add a school then at most you would add 1 row to each table (if the district and/or state not present)
Since this is hypothetical, and therefore assuming your data does not resemble the above, you will need to denormalize the data based on the relationships (one-to-one, one-to-many) between State,District,School (or whatever they are called).
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