Design Question

  • I think this may lead to some users picking up a phone and either complain about missing data or the error displayed or the funny rules that this field can only be so many chars when that field contains so x chars, etc. Secondly, if frontend apply the rules it should be ok, till some other app start loading the same kind of data. I'll rather fix it / redesign.

  • Len,

    I find your response reasonable and agree with your conclusion.

    That Larry guy was my evil twin cousin who goes by the same name, but often writes contrarian email just to stimulate debate. 🙂

    After some more consideration, I conclude there are almost certainly compelling performance reasons to split these rows into smaller rows across separate tables anyway. This goes along the reasoning for keeping index keys as narrow as possible. Problem solved.

    Larry Ansley

    Larry Ansley
    Atlanta, GA

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