Design page does not work..

  • I have a SSRS project which when i open on another computer does not take me to the design page rather shows me attch pic below, although this works perfectly on other computers

    also gives me warning message: Warning1The report definition has an invalid target namespace '' which cannot be upgraded.00

    Any ideas ??? do i need to reinstall visual studio??


    From the URL:

    VS 2008 only supports ReportViewer 2008, which only supports up to RDL 2005 Schema. The namespaces being declared in the reports you listed are using RDL 2008 and RDL 2010. Those are only compatibile with ReportViewer 2010 and above, and only VS 2010 has designer support for ReportViewer 2010, and RDL 2008+ schema.

  • Thanks foxxo ..

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