Desesperately seeking help !

  • Hi

    i have a weird problem with sql server 7 ; an 'error: 0 ; severity: 19' in Sql error logs that seems to block sqlserv.exe itself (from that point all clients are stuck, enterprise manager cannot connect to the sqlserver instance, stopping sqlserver service failed, only solution is reboot of the machine)

    the error seems to be triggered by some operations on a database but quite randomly. by the past, I already had to drop and create some indexes that were broken.

    Is anyone has an idea ?

    OS is NT4SP6

    SQL SERVER 7.0 is the one installed by Small Business Server 4.5 (no SP added since then)

  • Do you have any dump file? anything on Event Log and SQL Error log?

    Also, make sure to have latest service pack for SQL and O/S.

  • Yes I have a lot of .dmp files but very fex things in error logs aside the famous error: 0 ...

    the problem is that my clients should be able to work with it to do their job and they can't. I need a fast (even temporary) solution. SqlServer stops every 10 minutes or so...

    I'm about to backup/restore on a temporary database, to drop and create again the right one and to transfer data through DTS, hoping it will resolve it, but with no garanty at all I'm afraid.

  • From BOL (ERROR message severity levels):

    When a level 17, 18, or 19 error occurs, you can continue working, although you might not be able to execute a particular statement.

    Severity Level 19: SQL Server Error in Resource

    These messages indicate that some nonconfigurable internal limit has been exceeded and the current batch process is terminated. Severity level 19 errors occur rarely; however, they must be corrected by the system administrator or your primary support provider. The administrator should be informed every time a severity level 19 message occurs.


    How to create an alert:

    Click Severity, and then click a severity level.

    Severity levels from 19 through 25 send a Microsoft® SQL Server™ message to the Microsoft Windows® application log and trigger an alert.

    Maybe if you printed the exact error message.

    Quand on parle du loup, on en voit la queue

  • thank you for these precisions (and for the french saying)

    (i'm afraid I'm the system administrator and my own primary support provider too on this one...)

    i had some weird message yesterday saying "can't scan with (NOLOCK) due to movement data" during an sql operation (nothing phenomenal, something like deletion of 100 records, and insertion of roughly the same amount in the same table). Unheard until then...

    i had some logs saying "can't find DB_log.ldf" on sqlserver starting processes, but right after it found it...

    As I'm not originally a DBA (i'm only a poor programmer !), I don't know precisely the utility of .dmp files (they go back to january 2002 !!). Is this bad doctor ?

    (DTS job is nearly finished... suspense...)




    example of error log (#### and $$$ are used to mask the real names)

    the table PHI belongs to database $$$

    is it normal that SqlServer doesn't respond when it's doing the dump ?


    2004-11-17 14:01:05.52 spid1    Starting up database 'master'.

    2004-11-17 14:01:05.52 spid1    Opening file C:\MSSQL7\data\master.mdf.

    2004-11-17 14:01:05.60 spid1    Opening file C:\MSSQL7\data\mastlog.ldf.

    2004-11-17 14:01:05.78 spid1    Loading SQL Server's  Unicode collation.

    2004-11-17 14:01:05.93 spid1    Loading SQL Server's  non-Unicode sort order and character set.

    2004-11-17 14:01:06.29 spid1    2 transactions rolled forward in database 'master' (1).

    2004-11-17 14:01:06.30 spid1    0 transactions rolled back in database 'master' (1).

    2004-11-17 14:01:06.44 spid1    Starting up database 'model'.

    2004-11-17 14:01:06.44 spid1    Opening file C:\MSSQL7\DATA\model.mdf.

    2004-11-17 14:01:06.59 spid1    Opening file c:\mssql7\data\modellog.ldf.

    2004-11-17 14:01:06.97 spid1    Clearing tempdb database.

    2004-11-17 14:01:07.07 spid1    Creating file C:\MSSQL7\DATA\TEMPDB.MDF.

    2004-11-17 14:01:07.49 spid1    Closing file C:\MSSQL7\DATA\TEMPDB.MDF.

    2004-11-17 14:01:07.63 spid1    Creating file C:\MSSQL7\DATA\TEMPLOG.LDF.

    2004-11-17 14:01:07.72 spid1    Closing file C:\MSSQL7\DATA\TEMPLOG.LDF.

    2004-11-17 14:01:07.78 spid1    Opening file C:\MSSQL7\DATA\TEMPDB.MDF.

    2004-11-17 14:01:07.81 spid1    Opening file C:\MSSQL7\DATA\TEMPLOG.LDF.

    2004-11-17 14:01:08.57 spid1    Closing file C:\MSSQL7\DATA\TEMPDB.MDF.

    2004-11-17 14:01:08.66 spid1    Closing file C:\MSSQL7\DATA\TEMPLOG.LDF.

    2004-11-17 14:01:08.70 spid1    Starting up database 'tempdb'.

    2004-11-17 14:01:08.70 spid1    Opening file C:\MSSQL7\DATA\TEMPDB.MDF.

    2004-11-17 14:01:08.77 spid1    Opening file C:\MSSQL7\DATA\TEMPLOG.LDF.

    2004-11-17 14:01:09.33 spid1    Server name is '######'.

    2004-11-17 14:01:09.33 kernel   Using 'SQLEVN70.DLL' version '7.00.623'.

    2004-11-17 14:01:09.33 kernel   Using 'OPENDS60.DLL' version ''.

    2004-11-17 14:01:09.40 ods      Using 'SSNMPN70.DLL' version '7.0.623' to listen on '\\.\pipe\sql\query'.

    2004-11-17 14:01:09.40 ods      Using 'SSMSSO70.DLL' version '7.0.623' to listen on '######'.

    2004-11-17 14:01:09.40 ods      Using 'SSMSRP70.DLL' version '7.0.623' to listen on '######'.

    2004-11-17 14:01:09.43 spid6    Starting up database 'msdb'.

    2004-11-17 14:01:09.43 spid6    Opening file C:\MSSQL7\DATA\msdbdata.mdf.

    2004-11-17 14:01:09.43 spid7    Starting up database 'pubs'.

    2004-11-17 14:01:09.43 spid7    Opening file C:\MSSQL7\DATA\pubs.mdf.

    2004-11-17 14:01:09.46 spid8    Starting up database 'Northwind'.

    2004-11-17 14:01:09.46 spid8    Opening file C:\MSSQL7\DATA\northwnd.mdf.

    2004-11-17 14:01:09.46 spid9    Starting up database '$$$'.

    2004-11-17 14:01:09.46 spid9    Opening file D:\Base\$$$_Données.mdf.

    2004-11-17 14:01:12.45 spid6    Opening file c:\mssql7\DATA\msdblog.ldf.

    2004-11-17 14:01:12.45 spid7    Opening file c:\mssql7\DATA\pubs_log.ldf.

    2004-11-17 14:01:12.46 spid8    Opening file C:\MSSQL7\DATA\northwnd.ldf.

    2004-11-17 14:01:12.48 spid9    Opening file D:\Base\$$$_Journal.ldf.

    2004-11-17 14:01:14.30 spid6    60 transactions rolled forward in database 'msdb' (4).

    2004-11-17 14:01:14.87 spid6    0 transactions rolled back in database 'msdb' (4).

    2004-11-17 14:01:18.44 spid9    171 transactions rolled forward in database '$$$' (7).

    2004-11-17 14:01:18.44 spid9    0 transactions rolled back in database '$$$' (7).

    2004-11-17 14:01:20.03 spid1    Recovery complete.

    2004-11-17 14:01:20.25 spid1    SQL Server's Unicode collation is:

    2004-11-17 14:01:20.25 spid1            'English' (ID = 1033).

    2004-11-17 14:01:20.25 spid1            comparison style = 196609.

    2004-11-17 14:01:20.25 spid1    SQL Server's non-Unicode sort order is:

    2004-11-17 14:01:20.25 spid1            'nocase_iso' (ID = 52).

    2004-11-17 14:01:20.25 spid1    SQL Server's non-Unicode character set is:

    2004-11-17 14:01:20.25 spid1            'iso_1' (ID = 1).

    2004-11-17 14:01:21.55 spid7    Using 'xpsqlbot.dll' version '1998.11.13' to execute extended stored procedure 'xp_qv'.

    2004-11-17 14:05:11.04 spid16   Using 'xpstar.dll' version '1998.11.13' to execute extended stored procedure 'xp_regread'.

    2004-11-17 14:16:53.78 spid11   Using 'sqlimage.dll' version '4.0.5'

    Stack Dump being sent to C:\MSSQL7\log\SQL00711.dmp

    2004-11-17 14:16:56.34 spid11   Error: 0, Severity: 19, State: 0

    2004-11-17 14:16:56.34 spid11   SqlDumpExceptionHandler: Process 11 generated fatal exception c0000005 EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION. SQL Server is terminating this process.





    *   11/17/04 14:16:56 spid 11


    *   Exception Address = 0040B355 (LC::InsertRecord + 63)

    *   Exception Code    = c0000005 E

    *   Access Violation occurred writing address 30180000

    * Input Buffer 101 bytes -

    *  INSERT INTO PHI VALUES(1062132,'1521',null,'CONSULTATION',38362,'1045','

    *  1100','V.D.M.',1,0,'',null)



    *  MODULE                          BASE      END       SIZE

    * sqlservr                       00400000  008bbfff  004bc000

    * ntdll                          77f60000  77fbdfff  0005e000

    * KERNEL32                       77f00000  77f5dfff  0005e000

    * ADVAPI32                       77dc0000  77dfefff  0003f000

    * USER32                         77e70000  77ec4fff  00055000

    * GDI32                          77ed0000  77efbfff  0002c000

    * RPCRT4                         77e10000  77e66fff  00057000

    * ole32                          77b20000  77bd6fff  000b7000

    * OLEAUT32                       65340000  653d1fff  00092000

    * VERSION                        77a90000  77a9afff  0000b000

    * SHELL32                        77c40000  77d7bfff  0013c000

    * COMCTL32                       71590000  71616fff  00087000

    * LZ32                           779c0000  779c7fff  00008000

    * opends60                       41060000  41085fff  00026000

    * ums                            41090000  4109cfff  0000d000

    * MSVCRT                         78000000  7803ffff  00040000

    * mswstr10                       1b590000  1b624fff  00095000

    * MSVCIRT                        780a0000  780b1fff  00012000

    * sqlevn70                       410a0000  410a6fff  00007000

    * rpcltc1                        77bf0000  77bf6fff  00007000

    * COMNEVNT                       410b0000  410fefff  0004f000

    * ODBC32                         1f490000  1f4c4fff  00035000

    * comdlg32                       77d80000  77db1fff  00032000

    * SQLWOA                         41100000  4110bfff  0000c000

    * odbcint                        1f5d0000  1f5e3fff  00014000

    * NDDEAPI                        75a80000  75a86fff  00007000

    * WINSPOOL                       77c00000  77c17fff  00018000

    * SQLTrace                       41130000  4117cfff  0004d000

    * NETAPI32                       77800000  77839fff  0003a000

    * NETRAP                         77840000  77848fff  00009000

    * SAMLIB                         777e0000  777ecfff  0000d000

    * SQLFTQRY                       41020000  41037fff  00018000

    * SSNMPN70                       41190000  41195fff  00006000

    * SSMSSO70                       411a0000  411aafff  0000b000

    * WSOCK32                        776d0000  776d7fff  00008000

    * WS2_32                         776b0000  776c3fff  00014000

    * WS2HELP                        776a0000  776a6fff  00007000

    * SSMSRP70                       411b0000  411b7fff  00008000

    * ENUDTC                         69140000  69156fff  00017000

    * XOLEHLP                        69360000  69368fff  00009000

    * MTXCLU                         69790000  6979cfff  0000d000

    * ADME                           69120000  69132fff  00013000

    * DTCUtil                        69000000  69009fff  0000a000

    * DTCTRACE                       68ff0000  68ff6fff  00007000

    * CLUSAPI                        7f230000  7f23cfff  0000d000

    * RESUTILS                       7f250000  7f259fff  0000a000

    * msafd                          77660000  7766efff  0000f000

    * wshtcpip                       77690000  77698fff  00009000

    * rpclts1                        77e00000  77e05fff  00006000

    * RpcLtScm                       74fa0000  74faafff  0000b000

    * MSWSOCK                        77670000  77684fff  00015000

    * rnr20                          74ff0000  74ffdfff  0000e000

    * rasadhlp                       75360000  75366fff  00007000

    * RpcLtCcm                       74fc0000  74fcefff  0000f000

    * security                       76e70000  76e81fff  00012000

    * msapsspc                       71700000  71710fff  00011000

    * MSVCRT40                       779d0000  779e4fff  00015000

    * schannel                       77400000  77428fff  00029000

    * MSOSS                          5e380000  5e3a4fff  00025000

    * CRYPT32                        5cf00000  5cf5dfff  0005e000

    * digest                         60900000  6090dfff  0000e000

    * msnsspc                        716d0000  716eefff  0001f000

    * SQLRGSTR                       411c0000  411c4fff  00005000

    * xpsqlbot                       41820000  41825fff  00006000

    * sqlboot                        417f0000  417f7fff  00008000

    * xpstar                         411d0000  41200fff  00031000

    * SQLWID                         412f0000  412f5fff  00006000

    * SQLSVC                         41590000  415a7fff  00018000

    * odbcbcp                        41220000  41225fff  00006000

    * SQLRESLD                       41320000  41325fff  00006000

    * W95SCM                         41210000  41217fff  00008000

    * SQLSVC                         42480000  42485fff  00006000

    * sqlimage                       73f90000  73facfff  0001d000


    *    Edi: 30180000:

    *    Esi: 25A6FE67: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

    *    Eax: 302715CE: 00092022 00090009 00090009 00090009 00090009 00092022

    *    Ebx: 231A9350: 00010000 00960001 d7cb0000 1f670ed4 1f67f04c 231a9324

    *    Ecx: 00000360:

    *    Edx: 00002022:

    *    Eip: 0040B355: 4b0166ff fce18166 03c18366 088b66a4 f303e183 ca8ba5f3

    *    Ebp: 3026D2D4: 3026d598 3026d654 3026d6cc 00000196 0040b2c8 3026d2f4

    *  SegCs: 0000001B:

    * EFlags: 00010203: 79007300 5c005300 42005300 2e005400 4e004e00 49005700

    *    Esp: 3026D2C4: 0040b2c8 3026d2f4 231a06ec 1f67eff8 1f67eff8 3026d598

    *  SegSs: 00000023:



    Short Stack Dump

    0x0040b355 Module(sqlservr+b355) (LC::InsertRecord+63)

    0x0040b2c8 Module(sqlservr+b2c8) (LogMgr::InsertRecordInLC+19)

    0x0040b23c Module(sqlservr+b23c) (LogMgr::RealReserveAndAppend+186)

    0x0040b149 Module(sqlservr+b149) (LogpipeRequest::Execute+d)

    0x0040b101 Module(sqlservr+b101) (Pipeline::ServiceQueue+42)

    0x0040b0b9 Module(sqlservr+b0b9) (PipelineRequest::Enqueue+4e)

    0x0040b055 Module(sqlservr+b055) (LogMgr::ReserveAndAppend+9e)

    0x0040b8a0 Module(sqlservr+b8a0) (XDES::GenerateLogRec+4e1)

    0x0045ec27 Module(sqlservr+5ec27) (PageRef::InsertRows+328)

    0x006ca654 Module(sqlservr+2ca654) (PageRef::InsertRowsFromPage+bc)

    0x006cac39 Module(sqlservr+2cac39) (PageRef::InsertRowsFromPage+39)

    0x006a822d Module(sqlservr+2a822d) (DataSplitMgr::LogAndSplit+1b)

    0x006a81f8 Module(sqlservr+2a81f8) (DataSplitMgr::LinkSplitPrev+d5)

    0x006a7c49 Module(sqlservr+2a7c49) (DataSplitMgr::SplitPage+d7)

    0x006a730e Module(sqlservr+2a730e) (datasplit+1f)

    0x0057330f Module(sqlservr+17330f) (InsertRowIntoNCIndex+26e)

    0x004d2796 Module(sqlservr+d2796) (ncupdate+11c)

    0x0045e8d9 Module(sqlservr+5e8d9) (rowinsert+1a8)

    0x00483875 Module(sqlservr+83875) (insert+35)

    0x00484ca1 Module(sqlservr+84ca1) (RowsetSS::InsertRow+149)

    0x00484bb7 Module(sqlservr+84bb7) (RowsetChange::InsertRow+1b)

    0x00459d3e Module(sqlservr+59d3e) (CValRow::SetDataX+37)

    0x0041d1b3 Module(sqlservr+1d1b3) (SetDataWithPop+1c)

    0x0041be66 Module(sqlservr+1be66) (CEs::GeneralEval+e3)

    0x00484b3d Module(sqlservr+84b3d) (CQScanScalarInsert::GetRow+22)

    0x0041d138 Module(sqlservr+1d138) (CQueryScan::GetRow+11)

    0x0041ca1d Module(sqlservr+1ca1d) (CStmtQuery::FExecuteQuery+338)

    0x00459adb Module(sqlservr+59adb) (CStmtDML::XretExecuteNormal+1a7)

    0x00459986 Module(sqlservr+59986) (CStmtDML::XretExecute+1c)

    0x00419efa Module(sqlservr+19efa) (CMsqlExecContext::ExecuteStmts+118)

    0x00419a0f Module(sqlservr+19a0f) (CMsqlExecContext::Execute+16b)


    2004-11-17 14:28:53.52 kernel   SQL Server terminating because of system shutdown.

  • See if this helps you:

    PRB: An Access Violation Occurs If the Sqlsort.dll Version Is Not Compatible with the SQL Server Version

    This article was previously published under Q327424

    Regards,Yelena Varsha

  • You got access violation, In order to find out what are the causes, you have to send the dump files which reside in \MSSQL\LOG folder to Microsoft.

    Is there any reasons your SQL Serevr still runs witout service pack? Your problem may be already addressed by SQL Server service pack.


  • thanks to all

    apparently the physical displacement  implied by the operation I made was sufficient to eliminate at least a couple of systematic error messages (and blocking of sqlserver) ; so, my clients can work again.

    Now, I'm gonna do (at a human rythm) needed verifications & updates.

    thanks again

    I'll remember this url !


Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

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