describing tree paths

  • Hello all,

    having trees implemented this way

    create table labels


    id bigint not null identity(1,1),

    label nvarchar(250) not null,

    primary key (id)



    create table nodes


    ancestor bigint not null,

    descendant bigint not null,

    length int not null,

    primary key (ancestor, descendant),

    foreign key (ancestor) references labels (id),

    foreign key (descendant) references labels (id)



    insert into labels

    select 'A' union all

    select 'B' union all

    select 'C' union all

    select 'D'


    insert into nodes

    select 1,1,0 union all --root

    select 1,2,1 union all -- A -> B

    select 2,2,0 union all -- B -> B

    select 1,3,1 union all -- A -> C

    select 3,3,0 union all -- C -> C

    select 1,4,2 union all -- A -> D

    select 2,4,1 union all -- B -> D

    select 4,4,0 -- D -> D

    how could i write a query to show the visual text representation of the tree, like

    A -> B

    A -> B -> D

    A -> C

  • Seems an odd representation of a hierarchy but this gives you the correct results


    SELECT la.label AS ancestor,

    ld.label AS descendant

    FROM nodes n

    INNER JOIN labels la ON = n.ancestor

    INNER JOIN labels ld ON = n.descendant

    WHERE n.length = 1),

    Recur AS (

    SELECT c1.ancestor, CAST(c1.ancestor AS VARCHAR(MAX)) AS Path, 1 AS Level

    FROM CTE c1

    WHERE NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM CTE c2 WHERE c2.descendant = c1.ancestor)

    GROUP BY c1.ancestor


    SELECT c.descendant, r.Path + ' -> ' + CAST(c.descendant AS VARCHAR(MAX)), r.Level+1

    FROM CTE c

    INNER JOIN Recur r ON r.ancestor = c.ancestor)

    SELECT Path

    FROM Recur

    WHERE Level > 1

    ORDER BY Path;


    Deja View - The strange feeling that somewhere, sometime you've optimised this query before

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  • why you consider it odd ? i was reading a text on anti - pattern representations, that's from where i took the "idea" of this representation.

  • a20213 (2/5/2015)

    why you consider it odd ? i was reading a text on anti - pattern representations, that's from where i took the "idea" of this representation.

    Because there's a lot of redundancy in the nodes table - everything with length != 1 isn't used.


    Deja View - The strange feeling that somewhere, sometime you've optimised this query before

    How to get the best help on a forum
  • I think the length column even be removed, still don't know exactly why why it helps being there.

    If i edit the part WHERE n.length = 1) for WHERE <> i get the extra path A -> D

    I marked the answer as correctly ) .

    Thank you

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