August 20, 2010 at 10:15 pm
Below is my code in derived column transformation expression to replace double quote with nothing, but this is not working, still i can see quotes after transfer. Can some body please suggest correct expression to replace double quotes ?
August 23, 2010 at 2:58 am
At first sight, I can't spot any errors either in your expression.
Are all the quotes still there, or are some of them replaced with empty strings?
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August 24, 2010 at 4:06 am
Here's a working example:
declare @name varchar(30)
set @name = 'a"string"with"double"quotes'
set @name = REPLACE(UPPER(@NAME), '"','')
select @name
If you have quoted_identifier set off, you can use:
set quoted_identifier off
declare @name varchar(30)
set @name = 'a"string"with"double"quotes'
set @name = REPLACE(UPPER(@NAME), """","")
select @name
I might also ask, do you intend to only remove double-quotes ("), or do you have a need also to remove single-quotes (')?
August 24, 2010 at 4:21 am
If there are quotes around all of your data, try this.
Otherwise, try
REPLACE(NAME, "\"","")
If that works, then the problem is with "Upper", so you could set a derrived column that first converts the string to UPPER then strip the quotes from the derrived column.
June 28, 2011 at 8:25 am
Hi All:
I have a text which is comming from a unicode DB2 database, and it contains a doublequote (").
I have a cleansing SSIS package with replace command to replace the unwanted characters from the input string before I import the data to my SQL database.
I am using a derived column in SSIS and its not identifying the doublequote character contains at my input string to replace as NOTHING.
I tried the same in SQL mangement studio and it works fine (remember here I have inserted double quote inside two single quote).
SELECT REPLACE(MYTEXT,'"', '') ---->> works fine
Derived column command (remember we need to use DOUBLE QUOTE in the derived column expression, so i have to use escape sequence)
REPLACE (MYTEXT,"\"", "") ---->> its not identifying the double quote contains at my text.
could someone please help me out with any idea? Is there something that I need to deal with ASCI codes?
June 28, 2011 at 8:20 pm
I had a similar issue with space characters, turns out not all space characters are created equal.
You can take the approach described here, using character codes:
H4K (9/9/2010)
Or you can also Try this....Replace(NAME,chr(34),"")
Amar Sale
Or you can write a vb/c script component/task to use the .NET function.
In my case the .NET function performed the job regardless of the precise type of space character. Stands to reason it would work the same with double-quotes.
You could also push the work back to the SQL server level if it works correctly there.
July 15, 2011 at 6:24 am
You can also try double slashes instead of single slahes in the query.
Try like this,
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