Deploying Report with sharepoint integrated mode

  • Hi

    I'm deploying my SSRS 2008 report...but its giving some error for the SharePoint Integrated Mode...

    Do i need to do anything specific to deploy it..??

    Plz help...


  • BIDS (Visual Studio):

    To publish a report to a SharePoint site configured for SharePoint integration, you must verify that the report project properties in Report Designer point to the SharePoint site. All references to servers, reports, shared data sources, and resources must be fully qualified URLs. The TargetServerURL property must be a URL to a SharePoint site. The TargetDataSourceFolder and TargetReportFolder properties must be URLs to a SharePoint library or library folder. You must have Member or Owner permission on the SharePoint site to set the properties on the project.

    To publish a report to a SharePoint site

    1. In SQL Server Development Studio, open an existing or new Report Server project.

    2. From the Project menu, click Properties. The <project> Property Pages dialog box opens.

    3. Choose the Configuration you use to publish to a SharePoint site. For example, Active(Debug) or Production.

    4. In the Deployment section, for the optional TargetDataSourceFolder, type a URL to a library or library folder. For example, http://TestServer/TestSite/Documents/DataSources.

    5. For TargetReportFolder, type a fully qualified URL to a library or library folder. For example, http://TestServer/TestSite/Documents.

    6. For TargetServerURL, type a URL to a SharePoint top-level site or sub-site. If you do not specify a site, the default top-level site is used. For example, http://servername, http://servername/site or http://servername/site/subsite..

    7. Click OK.

    8. In Solution Explorer, right-click on the report you want to publish, and click Deploy. The report is published to the location specified in TargetReportFolder.

    Courtesy of Andrey:


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