Deployement Problem

  • Yes I am local admin my system.

    Anyway i am giving screeshots for database engine and analysis services.I dont have any problem to connect database engine.


  • Hello,

    Please guide me.


  • Can you double check if the SQL browser is running.

    Go to SQL Server Configuration Manager to view its status and start it if it is stopped.

    Bru Medishetty

    Blog -- LearnSQLWithBru

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  • Thanks Medishetty

    SQL Browser is running(started).Still problem araising


  • Under what security context is the SQL Browser running?

    Bru Medishetty

    Blog -- LearnSQLWithBru

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  • SQL Browser is running on local service

  • This seems to be strange..

    What is the authentication being used to connect to Analysis Services?

    I see you have attached a screen shot displaying the way you are connecting to the Analysis Services.. and I see you could not login to AS right..

    I have a question in that.. Did you type in the ServerName as PRVR\MSONE ??

    Bru Medishetty

    Blog -- LearnSQLWithBru

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  • I am using windows authentication. I am unable to login in ssms for ssas connection. Same name is picking dropdown list. For this i am giving one more screen shot.


  • Just to make things clear, when connecting to the AS from SSMS, in the drop down list choose Browse for more and in the next window, under local servers, expand the Analysis Services and select your Analysis Server name it shows and then click OK and try...

    If you have typed in the ServerName\instanceName earlier, I would want it to be cross verify by doing this..

    Bru Medishetty

    Blog -- LearnSQLWithBru

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  • Yes i did as said like browse and local server -->Analysis Services-->PRVR\MSONE.

    But same error is coming.

    Can u send me private message to(prvreddy2000(at the rate)gmail


  • Also try changing SQL Server Browser to 'Local System'

    Nothin should be run as your NT Authority log on.

    Try it and restart the service and re-deploy.


  • Also try changing SQL Server Browser to 'Local System'

    Nothin should be run as your NT Authority log on.

    Try it and restart the service and re-deploy.


  • Also try changing SQL Server Browser to 'Local System'

    Nothin should be run as your NT Authority log on.

    Try it and restart the service and re-deploy.


  • tej3as (2/8/2010)

    Also try changing SQL Server Browser to 'Local System'

    Nothin should be run as your NT Authority log on.

    Try it and restart the service and re-deploy.


    The user already mentioned that the SQL Browser is running with that context..

    Bru Medishetty

    Blog -- LearnSQLWithBru

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    Twitter -- BruMedishetty

  • nop, the user has mentioned that SQL Browser is running under Local Service.

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