Dependencies,Please help

  • Hi

    I am trying to move objects,Sps,views,Udfs from one database to another meaning cleaning the there any script that I could find Tables,Sps.views udf's dependencies and than recreate the necessary objects in order in another database.

  • sys.sysdepends has the dependency information.

  • In case if your using SQL Server 2005, use sys.sql_dependencies.

    Remember, there are some situations you will not find dependies recorded in the system view. Specially when you rename an object, dependancies will not update.


  • Ordering the objects by creation date will get you most of the way there.

    Nigel Moore

  • salibindla_m (4/1/2008)


    I am trying to move objects,Sps,views,Udfs from one database to another meaning cleaning the there any script that I could find Tables,Sps.views udf's dependencies and than recreate the necessary objects in order in another database.

    I you are scripting them all to a single batch, then you can use a BEGIN TRANSACTION at the top of the script, and a ROLLBACK TRANSACTION at the bottom of the script. Run and reorganize until there are no more missing dependencies messages. Then commit the batch.

    Tom Garth
    Vertical Solutions[/url]

    "There are three kinds of men. The one that learns by reading. The few who learn by observation. The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence for themselves." -- Will Rogers
  • Select name, Category =

    CASE xType

    WHEN 'P'THEN 'Stored procedure'

    WHEN 'TR'THEN 'Trigger'

    WHEN 'V'THEN 'View'

    WHEN 'U'THEN 'User table'

    WHEN 'TF'THEN 'Table function'

    ELSE 'Not yet categorized'


    from sysobjects

    where ID in


    Select id from sysdepends


    depid = (Select ID from sysobjects so2 where name = @SysObject)


    and xType in ('P', 'TR', 'V', 'U', 'TF')



    (Select name from sysobjects so where = sf.fkeyid)


    from dbo.sysforeignkeys sf -- use dbo instead of sys for backward compatibility

    where sf.rKeyid =


    Select ID from sysobjects where name= @SysObject


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