DENY CREATE Diagram using GUI

  • Guys,

    How we can revoke the permission to create the diagram on database to the user who has only read/write permissions or to the user who is not under db_owner.

    Abhijit -

  • DB owner or person with sysadmin role only has perms to create DB diagrams. They can have db roles of

    1. db_datareader

    2. db_datawriter

    BOL: Only the owner of the diagram or a member of the db_owner role of the database can open the diagram.

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  • Actually, db_owner and sysadmin are the only ones who can enable diagramming in a database. After that's done, any database user can create diagrams.

    Assuming diagramming has already been enabled, you can try denying execute permission on the sp_creatediagram stored procedure for the user whom you don't want to create diagrams.


  • Keep in mind that denying permission might result in errors and then phone calls.

    Why do you want to prevent this? They don't take up much space.

  • Steve you are abosolutly correct but the thing is i want to prevent it in development enviornment as App deve offen create the diagrams which different names & i want to revoke this ...


    Abhijit -

  • Oh Abhijit.

    I am sure that you would be using sp_creatediagram sp in your application. can you revoke execute permission on this from those users? This would help.


    FROM YOurUser;

    Please do not print mails and docx unless it is absolutely necessary. Spread environmental awareness.

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