Demystifying the use of CASE in an ORDER BY statement

  • kevriley (4/26/2012)

    Wait a minute! What about that "ASC," after the END of the first CASE statement, above? If that CASE statement does not produce output, then wouldn't the four characters "ASC," simply be extra characters hanging out in the breeze? Wouldn't this cause a syntax error?

    Answer: Yes they are extra characters. No they do not cause a syntax error because somehow CASE forgives this.

    The reason that works is that the case evaluates to null, so you could write

    select *

    from Table

    order by (select null) ASC

    and that is valid SQL

    +1 (and I'm quite surprised the author didn't seem to realize this behavior)

    Gerald Britton, Pluralsight courses

  • ukarjee (4/26/2012)

    Can dynamic sql help?


    Edit. Jeez, did not see that this article was a re-run. No coffee yet this morning.

    "I cant stress enough the importance of switching from a sequential files mindset to set-based thinking. After you make the switch, you can spend your time tuning and optimizing your queries instead of maintaining lengthy, poor-performing code."

    -- Itzik Ben-Gan 2001

  • [font="Comic Sans MS"]Though I could add a bit more info on how to use the CASE statement.

    Note: the purpose of the following approach was to enable a user to dynamically sort a list of invoices to be printed in SSRS - a multi-valued parameter allowed pick-and-chose from the list. So this was not a high-volume "behind-the-scenes" but rather a user interaction to produce a report.

    This was in an environment where both dynamic sql and stored procs are frowned upon and it was in SSQL2K8. At that time I was not familiar with the ROW-NUMBER function.

    As a fix, I ended up fabricating the sorting fields - adding them to the main SELECT statement and ordering by the sorting fields. I could use the first sorting field for ASC, the second one for DESC. It is when I was fabricating the fields that I used the CASE statement to either select a fixed value (no impact on the sorting) or the field to be sorted. This was further complicated with multi-level options: InvoiceDate, Customer and InvoiceNumber, etc. So something like:[/font]



    WHEN @sortby = 'Invoice Number Up' THEN InvoiceNumber

    ELSE 'X'

    END AS bogusField1,


    WHEN @sortby = 'Invoice Number Down' THEN InvoiceNumber

    ELSE 'X'

    END AS bogusField2,


    WHEN @sortby = 'Customer Name and Invoice Number Down' THEN CustomerName

    ELSE 'X'

    END AS bogusField3,

    FROM ...

    ORDER BY bogusField1 ASC, bogusField2 DESC, bogusField3

    [font="Comic Sans MS"]could end up with the equivalent of[/font]

    ORDER BY InvoiceNumber ASC, 'X' DESC, 'X' ASC ...

    [font="Comic Sans MS"]or[/font] ORDER BY 'X' ASC, InvoiceNumber DESC, 'X'

  • It occurs to me that the best way to *understand* what is actually happening with your sorts, is to simply include each of your sort-expressions, verbatim, in your SELECT field list while you are testing your code.

    For example, if you have:

    ORDER BY {Expression1} [ASC/DESC], {Expression2} [ASC/DESC], {Expression3} [ASC/DESC], (etc...)


    then include:

    SELECT {Expression1}, {Expression2}, {Expression3} (...)


    and when you view the resultsets, it will be (or at least should be) completely obvious what is going on with the sorting and why. There are no mysteries here. There is nothing particularly special about the fact that the sort expressions involve CASE statements as opposed to any other kind of expression (such as those that might involve operators or function-calls).

    I haven't read all the comments here, but there are numerous misconceptions in the original article about how SQL works.

  • I agree. The main misconception, I think, is that a CASE statement behaves differently when used in an ORDER BY clause. It doesn't.

  • Tony Palmeri (6/5/2015)

    It occurs to me that the best way to *understand* what is actually happening with your sorts, is to simply include each of your sort-expressions, verbatim, in your SELECT field list while you are testing your code.


    [font="Comic Sans MS"]Indeed. It just becomes a pain though when you want to combine different columns together such as DueDate, CustomerName, Amount, ... on top of wanting up or down. Each of the expressions tend to "compete" with each other, i.e. one exception might very well overrule the next one. There is a limit to understandability.

    Sort of having T-SQL allowing the CASE statement *WITH* the ASC/DESC options as part of the THEN in the CASE itself, then ROW_NUMBER could be a second best choice.[/font]


    CASE @OrderBy

    WHEN ... THEN ...



    ) AS RowNo

    , other columns ...

    FROM ...

    WHERE ...

    ORDER BY RowNo;

  • Just need to avoid using a CASE statement in a WHERE clause (or ON condition).

  • Henry B. Stinson (6/5/2015)

    Just need to avoid using a CASE statement in a WHERE clause (or ON condition).


  • After reading the article and the comments I was left wondering if the author and many of the commenters had a clear understanding of the difference between a statement, an expression and a clause in SQL whether a lot of the ensuing confusion could have been avoided.

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

  • I usually build the data via a CTE so I do not then need to worry about using case statements on the order by. But, good article, and interesting.



  • I was wrong on using the CTE suggestion after working it through. Since I usually avoid doing case statements on order by ordinarily. Here is a proposed alternative to consider:

    DECLARE @sortType bit = 0;

    If @sortType = 0






    FROM Employee

    Order by Employee.EmpDOB ASC








    FROM Employee

    Order by Employee.EmpDOB DESC


  • CASE in WHERE clause might cause optimizer to ignore indexes and in some cases might cause RBAR processing and/or full table scans, such as calling functions in a WHERE clause.

    One should always test actual execution plans (not what SSMS predicts) on full size data sets to see if CASE in WHERE causes problems.

  • Thanks, actually I always take a good luck at the optimizer plan, just trying to show an alternative to embedding case statements in the order by. But yes, if it clobbers performance, by all means, don't do it. Here is an interesting article from Brent Ozar, and another by Aaron Bertrand, respectively.

    and another good example of conditional sorting without using a case on the order by -

  • I just read the original article and wanted to add comment.

    I believe if one wanted to "fix" the original SQL query





    FROM Employee



    WHEN (@sortType = 0)

    THEN @sortKey_A

    ELSE @sortKey_D


    -- one would use column names instead of @sortKey_A and @sortKey_B

    -- instead of rewriting it, as I suggested in previous post, using:


    WHEN ... ...

    END ) AS rownum

    , .....

    , .....

    FROM ...

    WHERE ...

    ORDER BY rownum

    I've seen this work, including ASC and DESC, in code approved by one of the most demanding chief database architects I ever worked under

    Both solutions are shown and discussed in an article by SQL Server guru Brent Ozar:

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