Demystifying a deletion...

  • Hi all,

    Could anyone elaborate on what this code does?  I can see that it's basically a delete that checks the current date and I THINK - determines what age of data ought to be deleted, and then deletes it, but if someone could let me know what age of data gets deleted, that'd be great.




    CREATE  PROCEDURE Dugena_prune_data


    set nocount on

    if not exists(select name from sysobjects where name = 'hold' and type = 'U')



      select top 5* into hold from webproxylog

      truncate table hold

      create index [IDX_Hold_Date] on Hold([logDate]) with fillfactor = 100


    if day(getdate()) = 7


      declare @day1 varchar(20)


     select @day1 = dateadd(mm,datediff(mm,0,getdate()),0) 


     declare daycur cursor for

      select distinct logdate

      from webproxylog

      where logdate  >= @day1

      order by logdate asc


     open daycur


     declare @date varchar(11)


     fetch next from daycur into @date

     while (@@fetch_status <> -1)




      if (@@fetch_status <> -2)



       -- Keep a record of the number of rows deleted for each day.

       declare @count varchar(20)

       select @count = count(*) from webproxylog where logdate = convert(varchar(11),@date,113)

          insert into Audit (numbers,save_dates,delete_date) values(@count, convert(varchar(11),@date),default)

         insert into hold select * from webproxylog where logdate =  convert(varchar(11),@date,113)




      backup log isalog with truncate_only

      fetch next from daycur into @date


     close daycur

     deallocate daycur

     truncate table WebProxyLog

      create index [IDX_Hold_Date] on Hold([logDate]) with fillfactor = 100 ,drop_existing

     declare impcur cursor for

       select distinct logdate

      from hold 

      order by logdate asc


     open impcur



     fetch next from impcur into @ddate

     while (@@fetch_status <> -1)




      if (@@fetch_status <> -2)



         insert into WebProxyLog select * from hold where logdate =  convert(varchar(11),@ddate,113)




       backup log isalog with truncate_only

      fetch next from impcur into @ddate


     close impcur

     deallocate impcur

     return 0




      print 'Out Of Date'




  • Here he is specify the age of data.

     select @day1 = dateadd(mm,datediff(mm,0,getdate()),0) 

    This shows that the start of the current month...



  • Thanks for that!!!


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