Demo of DBA stuff

  • I was told by my boss that I have to do powerpoint demostration about DBA work to the users in our company.

    Actually, we are doing some kind of demo session everymonth in our company for knowledge purpose.

    I am not sure what should I demo because it should not be very techical. only high level stuff.

    Is there any powerpoiing demo for DBA stuff somewhere.

    appreciated if someone will help in this.

  • balbirsinghsodhi (5/27/2009)

    I was told by my boss that I have to do powerpoint demostration about DBA work to the users in our company.

    Actually, we are doing some kind of demo session everymonth in our company for knowledge purpose.

    I am not sure what should I demo because it should not be very techical. only high level stuff.

    Is there any powerpoiing demo for DBA stuff somewhere.

    appreciated if someone will help in this.

    Alex S
  • That looks great. That exactly i need.

    you saved my lots of hours.

    Thanks a lot.

  • You should modify the Data Dictionary part or remove it all together cause it applies to Oracle.

    Alex S
  • balbirsinghsodhi (5/27/2009)

    I was told by my boss that I have to do powerpoint demostration about DBA work to the users in our company.

    Actually, we are doing some kind of demo session everymonth in our company for knowledge purpose.

    I am not sure what should I demo because it should not be very techical. only high level stuff.

    Is there any powerpoiing demo for DBA stuff somewhere.

    appreciated if someone will help in this.

    You seem to be a DBA.

    Why don't you know what a DBA does?

    You devalue the many members who do know with this post!



  • Hi Tim,

    I am a DBA and I know my DBA job. I think you misunderstood the questiion. I can develop this demo but it will take some hours and I wanted to save time. I think that is why this site is made for. Quick response and save lots of time.

    I just wanted some kind of Presentation so that I should not spend time on that. I got the response quicky and got exactly what I need, I may modify the ppt but it will not take much time for me to that.

    If you cannot help, at least don't send these kind of comments on this website.

  • Alex.. I was thinking of the same thing. I will remove and add some more thoughts so that users should understand easily. I really don't want to put technical details on this document. I might enhance the performance chapter in this because I do lots of performace tunning.

    Thanks again.

  • I thought your question could be paraphrased as 'please give me a presentation on what a DBA does?'

    I don't agree that this is what this site is for.

    What I think it is for is to enable people to ask questions and be helped towards the answers.

    There are some fantastic posters who do this.

    I usually try and put a lot of effort into my answers, but this question seems lazy and a bit like an interview question.

    Regardless, good luck with presenting it


    Edit: spelling correction


  • The only thing I know that I posted a question and I got response very fast and that is what I need.

    It's not a matter of laziness, it is all about how you saving your time. time is very important.

    I share my SQL script on this site and expect other people to share too. If the script is available on this site then I don't think I should spend time developing that script. just modify the script and ready to go. save time.

    I know you are little bit concern about the question but it is all related to Database Administration.

    I respect you because you are the member of this site and also helping other people which is a good thing. hope you understand.

    Sorry if I hurt you anyway.

  • Balbir, i think what Tim is trying to say is you cannot get the slides from somewhere, make some changes and present as you did, that would be plagiarism which this site doesn't entertain at all. If someone uses other developers script then im sure in the script the person who originally created will be mentioned. You can reference the source as the link to ppt and i think it should be fine. Thanks,

  • Hey folks,

    what is this???let me remind you one thing!!!!this is not the place for your silly fightings.....stay away 😎

    [font="Comic Sans MS"]+++BLADE+++[/font]:cool:

  • I don't agree with ripping other people's work off, but haven't you ever heard of Google?

  • Here's a presentation I put together many years ago when I was a DB2 DBA. It was for the summer interns each year. There's some Oracle and MS SQL Server material in it as well. It's very old, Oracle 8i and I think we were on MS SQL 7.0 at the time but the base concepts are still relevant.

    Good Luck with your presentation.

    ps: this site would not allow me to upload a .ppt, so I had to rename the file to .doc. You'll need to copy the file to disk and rename to .ppt

    Tim White

  • Thanks a lot Tim,

    I will surely look into this document and make necessary changes.

  • "Plagiarism" "Rip-off"

    I couldn't disagree more. The point of having a support network, such as this site, is to be able to leverage the existing knowledge and scripts and, in this case, Powerpoint. Why would I want to re-invent the wheel?

    Pablo Picasso said, "Good artists borrow but great artists steal".

    I believe I found the missing link between animal and civilized man. It is us. -Konrad Lorenz, Nobel laureate (1903-1989)

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