Deleting the repeated rows.

  • Hi

    I want to delete the repeated rows.


    Ex: There is a student table.

    Sno      Sname

    1          raju

    2          kumar

    3          mike

    4          raju     

    5          mike

    6          michael


    In this table I want to delete 2 records which are repeated, after deleted it should contain 4 rows.


         Sno     sname

    1                    raju

    2                    kumar

    3                    mike

    4                    michael


    Please give me the query.





  • backup the table/db first

    delete from student

    where sno not in (select min(sno) from test group by sname)

    create table transfer(sno int identity, sname varchar(10))

    insert into transfer select sname from student

    Check to make sure the data that you want is in Transfer

    truncate table student

    insert into test select * from transfer

    drop table transfer

  • Another way of getting your required output with my own example.

    Run the below query in single batch.


    create table #ps_t1 (sno int identity(1,1) , sname Varchar(10))


    insert into #ps_t1 values ('ra')

    insert into #ps_t1 values ('km')

    insert into #ps_t1 values ('mk')

    insert into #ps_t1 values ('mk')

    insert into #ps_t1 values ('km')

    insert into #ps_t1 values ('mi')


    SELECT distinct sname into #ps_t2 from #ps_t1


    truncate table #ps_t1


    insert into #ps_t1 select sname from #ps_t2


    select * from #ps_t1


    Note:- Truncate table command reset's the identity column property.



    Prakash Sawant

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