Deleting the contents of a child table from a parent

  • HI,


    I have a master table with 100k names and addresses. I have another table with 19,000 names and addresses. I want to remove the 19 from the 100k and see what I have left.


    I have been using  "select * from 100k where exists(select * from 19k)"


    but I am getting syntax errors - I have tried BOL but not seeing what I need


    Any ideas?





  • delete  parent

    from parent p

    join child c

    on c.all_fields = p.all_fields


    --tested below

    create table parent


    p_id int identity(1,1) primary key,

    vala int,

    valb int



    create table child


    p_id int identity(1,1) primary key,

    vala int,

    valb int


    declare @int int

    set @int = 0

    while @int < 100


     insert into parent(vala,valb)

     select @int, @int-1

     if @int%3 = 0


      insert into child(vala,valb)

      select @int, @int-1


    set @int = @int + 1



    delete parent

    from parent p

    join child c


     c.vala = p.vala

     and c.valb = p.valb



    Mathew J Kulangara

  • You have the right idea. The EXISTS is essentially done for each record in the parent and SELECT * FROM 19K will always return all the records in 19K so EXISTS will always be true. There are no fields specified to correlate the two queries.

    A join, as Mathew has pointed out, is a better way to go. I think that you just want to see the data and not delete it right away. I would view it first before deleting it anyway .

    Use a LEFT OUTER JOIN to get all 100K records back, associated with the 19K if they exist, then use the WHERE clause to filter out those where the 19K portion is null (added by the JOIN).

    SELECT * FROM 100K LEFT OUTER JOIN 19K ON 100K. = 19K. ...


    represents the column(s) that must match for the two to be the same.

    WHERE ... IS NULL filters the output of the join where the records have been added by the OUTER option.

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