Deleting rows

  • I know this is probably a dumb question but when I try to delete or update a row it gives me an error saying "Key column information is incorrect or insufficiant. Too many rows will be affected by this update." How can I fix this?

    Thanks for any help

    Edited by - matches on 08/09/2003 01:10:46 AM

  • Try this link....

    Relationships are like Banks.You Invest the Principal and then get the Interest.

    He who knows others is learned but the wise one is one who knows himself.

  • Following links might help:;en-us;815542;en-us;814893

    If u r using ADO then simply adding "Table's" key field to the select query solves the problem.



  • hi matches,


    I know this is probably a dumb question but when I try to delete or update a row it gives me an error saying "Key column information is incorrect or insufficiant. Too many rows will be affected by this update." How can I fix this?

    are you getting this message in EM?

    If so, don't care about it, it's not really serious, just repeat the command and you'll be fine, or better do this in QA



    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • This is an easy one... I have had this problem before, and essentially it is because you don't have some kind of unique identifier on the record. You are likely trying to delete a record that has another record identical to it in the table. There are two ways to eliminate this problem: 1) delete your duplicates first (I have a very easy dup removal piece of code if you want to email me for it (, or 2) (this is the better idea) add a unique identifier to it... the easiest of which is a PK of either int or bigint (depending on the number of records in the table) and identity set to 'yes'. I hope this helps.


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