deleting duplicate

  • Hi all,

    can anyone please tell me why its not working

    table duplicate

    col1 col2

    1 abc

    2 abc

    1 abc

    1 bcd

    result(in oracle)

    col1 col2

    1 abc

    2 abc

    1 bcd

    result(in sql server)

    col1 col2

    2 abc

    1 bcd

    below query is deleting duplicate records in oracle .but in sql server instead its deleting both the records


    DELETE FROM duplicate d1 WHERE 1<(select count(1) from duplicate d2 WHERE d1.col1=d2.col1 and 1.col2=d2.col2)


    DELETE d1 FROM duplicate d1 WHERE 1<(select count(1) FROM duplicate d2 WHERE d1.col1=d2.col1 and d1.col2=d2.col2)

  • Probably because Oracle is a sucky DB engine who evaluates the expression row by row, while SQL Server evaluates them all at the same time, resulting in both rows being deleted.

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  • You will need to change the query (yes SQL server and Oracle use different SQL language and execute it differently).

    If you just want to delete on of the duplicate errors - do a inner join (you will need unique identity column though)

    assuming you have table like

    ID, col1, col2

    where ID is a unique then you can do:


    FROM t1


    ON t1.Col1=t2.Col1 and t1.Col2 = t2.Col2

    WHERE and t1.ID<t2.ID -- this will keep the one duplicate

    please use free productivity tool for SSMS - SQL Hunting Dog [/url]

  • Here is another way which doesn't required a sequential identity column.

    with MyCTE as


    select col1, col2, ROW_NUMBER() over(PARTITION by col1, col2 order by (select null)) as RowNum

    From SomeTable



    where RowNum > 1


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  • Using ROW_NUMBER to do the duplicate deletes is another solution and I think can be more efficient in some cases. Search web for sql server row_number delete duplicates

    Kevin G. Boles
    SQL Server Consultant
    SQL MVP 2007-2012
    TheSQLGuru on googles mail service

  • Sean Lange (8/8/2013)

    Here is another way which doesn't required a sequential identity column.

    with MyCTE as


    select col1, col2, ROW_NUMBER() over(PARTITION by col1, col2 order by (select null)) as RowNum

    From SomeTable



    where RowNum > 1

    This is my preferred solution as well.

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  • Koen Verbeeck (8/8/2013)

    Probably because Oracle is a sucky DB engine who evaluates the expression row by row, while SQL Server evaluates them all at the same time, resulting in both rows being deleted.

    Is this really how Oracle works? Any self-referencing DELETE (or UPDATE?) can therefore be non-deterministic?


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  • Mark-101232 (8/9/2013)

    Koen Verbeeck (8/8/2013)

    Probably because Oracle is a sucky DB engine who evaluates the expression row by row, while SQL Server evaluates them all at the same time, resulting in both rows being deleted.

    Is this really how Oracle works? Any self-referencing DELETE (or UPDATE?) can therefore be non-deterministic?

    I said "probably" 😀

    I have no knowledge of the internals of Oracle and I like to keep it that way.

    But evaluating the OP's query row-by-row instead of set-based is the only explanation I can come up with. It must have something to do with the way both database engines execute the query, but you'd have to take a look at the query plans I suppose.

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    MCSE Business Intelligence - Microsoft Data Platform MVP

  • it will be great if anyone explain or give some links to learn how sql server engine will process the query for some basic dml operations(delete,update,insert).

    DELETE d1 FROM duplicate d1 WHERE 1<(select count(1) FROM duplicate d2 WHERE d1.col1=d2.col1 and d1.col2=d2.col2)

    with MyCTE as


    select col1, col2, ROW_NUMBER() over(PARTITION by col1, col2 order by (select null)) as RowNum

    From SomeTable



    where RowNum > 1


  • sathiyan00 (8/13/2013)

    it will be great if anyone explain or give some links to learn how sql server engine will process the query for some basic dml operations(delete,update,insert).

    DELETE d1 FROM duplicate d1 WHERE 1<(select count(1) FROM duplicate d2 WHERE d1.col1=d2.col1 and d1.col2=d2.col2)

    with MyCTE as


    select col1, col2, ROW_NUMBER() over(PARTITION by col1, col2 order by (select null)) as RowNum

    From SomeTable



    where RowNum > 1


    Man, answering that goes WAY beyond a forum post I think!! I recommend you get a book on sql server query plans (there are some free ebooks out there I think??) and show the actual query plan for both of those queries above (or any other's you are interested in) and use that as a learning tool.

    Kevin G. Boles
    SQL Server Consultant
    SQL MVP 2007-2012
    TheSQLGuru on googles mail service

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