Deleting Backup Info From MSDB

  • Do any of you delete historical info related to backups from the MSDB database? (dbo.BackupSet, dbo.BackupMediaFamily, etc.)

    Is it safe to do this? What are the ramifications?

  • Yes, the ramification is that you can't query for what is contained in a backup or have SSMS automatically do a restore. The history cleanup task in the maintenance plans will let you do this. I have done it for older data, keeping a few weeks worth of info

  • Thanks, Steve.

    I'm not using SSMS for backups or restores, so I don't think that will be an issue.

    My personal preference is to use tsql to do the the cleanup. Do you know of any system stored procs that could be used instead of the history cleanup task in the maintenance plans?

    Also, you mentioned keeping a few weeks worth of info. Has that ever come back to haunt you? (I was thinking of keeping a few months of info.)

  • Hasn't come back to haunt me. I almost never use that stuff. I backup to disk files, name them by date, use that for restores.


    Most DR solutions include log shipping strategies. Log shipping (LS) is an extremely inexpensive solution for DR and also one I recommend. There is little learning curve to individuals just coming into the administration career for setting LS up and maintaining the flow.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by  Steve Jones - SSC Editor.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by  Dave Convery.
  • I use the backup history information to see growth trends, so I like keeping it. I made a copy of the system stored procedure that deletes the information, and modified my version to delete transaction log & diff backup information while retaining full backup info for historical purposes.

  • I stumbled upon this stored proc (which should meet my needs quite nicely): msdb.dbo.sp_delete_backuphistory

    Is this the sp you were referring to, Homebrew?

  • Yes. Apparently you will improve performace by keeping MSDB small and deleting old backup history. I don't need the t-log history which takes up the bulk of the space, so I made my own version that retains the full backup history.

  • Hey guys,

    I am also looking for the sp to retain the full backups, and modified it by excluding the full backups in the conditions from the original sp.

    Can you please check and let me know if this is correct?

    CREATE PROCEDURE sp_delete_backuphistory

    @oldest_date datetime


    --declare @oldest_date datetime

    --set @oldest_date = '01/22/2009'



    DECLARE @backup_set_id TABLE (backup_set_id INT)

    DECLARE @media_set_id TABLE (media_set_id INT)

    DECLARE @restore_history_id TABLE (restore_history_id INT)

    INSERT INTO @backup_set_id (backup_set_id)

    SELECT DISTINCT backup_set_id

    FROM msdb.dbo.backupset

    WHERE backup_finish_date < @oldest_date

    AND type <> 'D'

    INSERT INTO @media_set_id (media_set_id)

    SELECT DISTINCT media_set_id

    FROM msdb.dbo.backupset

    WHERE backup_finish_date < @oldest_date

    AND type <> 'D'

    INSERT INTO @restore_history_id (restore_history_id)

    SELECT DISTINCT restore_history_id

    FROM msdb.dbo.restorehistory

    WHERE backup_set_id IN (SELECT backup_set_id

    FROM @backup_set_id)

    AND restore_type <> 'D'


    DELETE FROM msdb.dbo.backupfile

    WHERE backup_set_id IN (SELECT backup_set_id

    FROM @backup_set_id)

    IF (@@error > 0)

    GOTO Quit

    DELETE FROM msdb.dbo.backupfilegroup

    WHERE backup_set_id IN (SELECT backup_set_id

    FROM @backup_set_id)

    IF (@@error > 0)

    GOTO Quit

    DELETE FROM msdb.dbo.restorefile

    WHERE restore_history_id IN (SELECT restore_history_id

    FROM @restore_history_id)

    IF (@@error > 0)

    GOTO Quit

    DELETE FROM msdb.dbo.restorefilegroup

    WHERE restore_history_id IN (SELECT restore_history_id

    FROM @restore_history_id)

    IF (@@error > 0)

    GOTO Quit

    DELETE FROM msdb.dbo.restorehistory

    WHERE restore_history_id IN (SELECT restore_history_id

    FROM @restore_history_id)

    IF (@@error > 0)

    GOTO Quit

    DELETE FROM msdb.dbo.backupset

    WHERE backup_set_id IN (SELECT backup_set_id

    FROM @backup_set_id)

    IF (@@error > 0)

    GOTO Quit

    DELETE msdb.dbo.backupmediafamily

    FROM msdb.dbo.backupmediafamily bmf

    WHERE bmf.media_set_id IN (SELECT media_set_id

    FROM @media_set_id)


    FROM msdb.dbo.backupset

    WHERE media_set_id = bmf.media_set_id) = 0)

    IF (@@error > 0)

    GOTO Quit

    DELETE msdb.dbo.backupmediaset

    FROM msdb.dbo.backupmediaset bms

    WHERE bms.media_set_id IN (SELECT media_set_id

    FROM @media_set_id)


    FROM msdb.dbo.backupset

    WHERE media_set_id = bms.media_set_id) = 0)

    IF (@@error > 0)

    GOTO Quit








  • I did a similar thing as I mentioned above. However, I did not change the system SP. I made a copy with a slightly different name and created it in my own DBA database. You should test it on test data before running it live.

  • Yep. Thanks. I got that, I plan to make a copy and schedule it to run as a job on a monthly basis or so.

    I hope it to be successful.



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