Delete with inner join on another table with where clauses

  • Hello comunity

    I have the following Script with an inner join :



    pc ON ml.conta = pc.conta

    where pc.integracao =1 and pc.ano=2010 and year(

    This script is correct??

    if not, what the better way to do this

    Many thanks

    Luis Santos

  • Your script is correct and that is a good way to do deletes when you need to reference values in another table to find your records.

  • Actually, you've used a form of DELETE that will usually work but can have some serious problems sometime in the future. My recommendation is that you must use both FROM clauses that are available in the DELETE command whenever there is a JOIN or you take a chance on locking up several CPU's for 20 minutes while the server recompiles the command on every row to do a 2 second delete. It won't always happen but it will happen someday. If you look at all the examples in Books Online, anytime there is any type of JOIN, the table being deleted from is always in both FROM clauses and that's something you should definitely follow. Like this...


    FROM ml


    ON ml.Contra = pc.contra

    WHERE pc.integracao = 1

    AND pc.ano = 2010

    AND YEAR( = 2010

    Most people don't actually type the first FROM in their code because it seems confusing. You can imply the first FROM clause if you prefer but it still must be used... thusly...

    DELETE ml --<----<<<< "FROM" removed but still implied

    FROM ml


    ON ml.Contra = pc.contra

    WHERE pc.integracao = 1

    AND pc.ano = 2010

    AND YEAR( = 2010

    --Jeff Moden

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    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

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  • Thanks for your replies, i use the Script send by jeff and they work very fine.

    Also, i understand now better the concept about using DELETE with INNER JOIN

    Luis Santos

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