delete trans with old versions leaving behind only 2 max versions

  • Need help writing a stored procedure that deletes all the records of a given doc-id except the top 2 max versions of that doc-id.


    Doc-Id Version

    ------- -------

    doc1 0

    doc1 1

    doc2 0

    doc2 2

    doc2 3

    doc3 0

    doc3 4

    doc3 5

    doc3 6

    so in the above table

    1)for doc1: Should not delete anything since only 2 versions exist

    2)for doc2: Should delete record with version : 0 leaving behind

    the 2 max versions 2 and 3

    3)for doc3: Should delete records with versions : 0 and 4 leaving

    behind the 2 max versions 5 and 6

    Note: The version value for some trans can go as high as 50 or even more

    Appreciate any help in developing most optimal query to perform the specified task

  • Hi and welcome to SSC. It is customary to provide ddl (create table scripts), sample data (insert statements) and desired output based on your sample data when posting questions. I went ahead and created these for you. This way everybody is on the same page.

    The easiest way I know of to accomplish is using ROW_NUMBER like this.

    create table #Doc


    DocNum varchar(10),

    Version int


    insert #Doc (DocNum, Version)

    values ('doc1', 0),('doc1', 1),('doc2', 0),('doc2', 2),('doc2', 3),

    ('doc3', 0),('doc3', 4),('doc3', 5),('doc3', 6)

    --select *

    delete x



    select ROW_NUMBER() over(PARTITION by DocNum order by Version desc) as RowNum, *

    from #Doc

    ) x

    where RowNum > 2

    select * from #Doc

    --edit: Added desc to the order by to keep the largest 2 instead of the smallest.


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  • thanks a lot for the quick response and a great solution that looks very simple

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