delete stored procedure for relationship many to many

  • Hi,

    I have the tables :

    - Customer (CustomerId, Name, ..)

    - CustomerAddress (CustomerId, AddressId, TypeAddress)

    - Address (AddressId, AddressLine1, AddressLine2, ZipCode, City, ..)

    TypeAddress refers to a TypeAddress table.

    One customer can have several addresses which differ by TypeAddress.

    One address is only for one customer.

    I use a relationship many to many because I have also the tables (with the same Address table) :

    - Supplier (Supplier Id, Name, ..)

    - Supplier Address (Supplier Id, AddressId, TypeAddress)

    - Address (AddressId, AddressLine1, AddressLine2, ZipCode, City, ..)

    When I delete a customer, I need to delete all Addresses of this customer.

    It is to said : delete in tables Address, CustomerAddress and Customer.

    I prefer to do that in a stored procedure than with triggers.

    Have you some codes or links to solve that ?

    Thanks for your help.


  • Why don't you use a foreign key concept and the cascade delete option?

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  • Yes and No.

    If I put On Delete Cascade on the two FK, when I delete a customer then the CustomerAddress delete also (it is for the Yes).

    But never the Adress will delete (it is for the No).

    Some research on Google, said to use trigger to do that.

  • If you don't want to use a trigger, use multiple DELETE statements within your SP. Delete the proper "related" records (based on key value) before deleting the main record(s).

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