delete statement not deleting all the data it's supposed to

  • on our DBA server i have a table that stores all the application and security log info from our SQL servers. it's supposed to store 30 days worth of data at all times. every hour there is a job to delete anything older than 30 days.

    once in a while the delete takes too long and i have to delete data manually after a day or so and at this time i start at 40 days. and i've noticed that every time there is always data in there that is longer than 30 days.

    is there any reason why it would not be deleting all the data?

  • Care to post the statement and sample "not deleted" data.

    Have you confirmed that the jobs have run and NOT deleted the data?

    Maybe there's a weird if in the job or something disable that job if there's problem.

  • Mistake in the code? Without seeing the code, there's not really much that can be said.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • This is the table

    USE [logs]


    /****** Object: Table [dbo].[sql_server_logs] Script Date: 12/01/2010 10:14:34 ******/







    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[sql_server_logs](

    [EventLog] [varchar](255) NULL,

    [RecordNumber] [bigint] NOT NULL,

    [TimeGenerated] [datetime] NULL,

    [TimeWritten] [datetime] NULL,

    [EventID] [int] NULL,

    [EventType] [int] NULL,

    [EventTypeName] [varchar](255) NULL,

    [EventCategory] [int] NULL,

    [EventCategoryName] [varchar](255) NULL,

    [SourceName] [varchar](255) NULL,

    [Strings] [varchar](255) NULL,

    [ComputerName] [varchar](255) NULL,

    [SID] [varchar](255) NULL,

    [Message] [varchar](4000) NULL,

    [Data] [varchar](255) NULL,

    [pk_id] [bigint] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,

    [timestamp] [timestamp] NOT NULL,



    [pk_id] ASC


    ) ON [PRIMARY]




    and the delete

    delete sql_server_logs

    where timegenerated < getdate() - 30

    and eventlog = 'Security'

    print @@rowcount

    clustered index on the timegenerated column because most of the data access is for only the last day or so

    i checked the statistics in the last few days and they are up to date all the time. and looking at the range scans i see there is data in the table from 6 months ago

  • alen teplitsky (12/1/2010)

    looking at the range scans i see there is data in the table from 6 months ago

    For the security log?

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • there is a vb script on all the servers to dump data to a staging table for that server. then this import job runs to copy only the new data and truncate the staging table.

    as part of the process it also deletes anything older than 30 days. or it's supposed to. it does delete data because when i do spot checks i see it deleting millions of rows a day, but when it gets stuck for a day or so and i have to manually clear it up i notice that there is very old data in the table when there shouldn't be

  • Hi Alan;

    Someone with much more expertise than I will be by in a moment to provide correct syntax, but " getdate() - 30" does not subtract 30 days, it subtracts 30 seconds or milliseconds.

    I believe that you should investigate the DATEADD function in Books Online.


  • SwayneBell (12/1/2010)

    Hi Alan;

    Someone with much more expertise than I will be by in a moment to provide correct syntax, but " getdate() - 30" does not subtract 30 days, it subtracts 30 seconds or milliseconds.

    I believe that you should investigate the DATEADD function in Books Online.


    No difference :


  • SwayneBell (12/1/2010)

    but " getdate() - 30" does not subtract 30 days, it subtracts 30 seconds or milliseconds.

    It subtracts 30 days. A 30 sec test would have shown that.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • SwayneBell (12/1/2010)

    Hi Alan;

    Someone with much more expertise than I will be by in a moment to provide correct syntax, but " getdate() - 30" does not subtract 30 days, it subtracts 30 seconds or milliseconds.

    I believe that you should investigate the DATEADD function in Books Online.


    getdate() - 30 subtracts 30 days. Test the code you will see that it does indeed subtract days and not seconds or milliseconds.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
    Posting Performance Based Questions - Gail Shaw[/url]
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  • i have daily SSRS reports hitting that table for SQL app log errors, failed logins, etc that go back a few days and i'm pretty sure it doesn't subtract milliseconds. the table is a few hundred million rows and it deletes 10 million or so rows on a daily basis

  • Is this script scheduled?

    Are you getting any errors in the logs?

    Are you logging the @@rowcount after each exec?

    We don't have much to go on without that info...

  • i belive getdate -30 return not the same values depend some configuration for me is retuen this

    for sql 2000 2005 and 2008

    SELECT getdate() - 30,GETDATE()

    ----------------------- -----------------------

    2010-11-01 10:36:50.547 2010-12-01 10:36:50.547

    (1 row(s) affected)

    into you delete you have

    delete sql_server_logs

    where timegenerated < getdate() - 30

    and eventlog = 'Security'

    print @@rowcount

    eventlog = 'Security' the data leave into table minus getdate() - 30 have eventlog 'Security' or other word maybe is null you server is case sensitive and you security or SEcuRity ect ..

  • sebastien piche (12/1/2010)

    i belive getdate -30 return not the same values depend some configuration for me is retuen this

    for sql 2000 2005 and 2008

    SELECT getdate() - 30,GETDATE()

    ----------------------- -----------------------

    2010-11-01 10:36:50.547 2010-12-01 10:36:50.547

    (1 row(s) affected)

    into you delete you have

    delete sql_server_logs

    where timegenerated < getdate() - 30

    and eventlog = 'Security'

    print @@rowcount

    eventlog = 'Security' the data leave into table minus getdate() - 30 have eventlog 'Security' or other word maybe is null you server is case sensitive and you security or SEcuRity ect ..

    No it's always going to be returning 30 days in the past. The end, next problem.

    I like your idea of the case sensitive. But since this is all done via automation it's unlikely the issue.

  • Ninja's_RGR'us (12/1/2010)

    Is this script scheduled?

    Are you getting any errors in the logs?

    Are you logging the @@rowcount after each exec?

    We don't have much to go on without that info...

    i also have another step for the application log. did it this way to keep the amount of DML to a minimum for each step

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