Delete duplicate rows

  • Hi, i am trying to solve this issue without result.

    I want to display one record by Id from A.

    Let sayt i have:

    insert into #TempA values(1,'AAA')

    insert into #TempA values(2,'BBB')

    create Table #TempC (id_c int, NameC nvarchar(10))

    insert into #TempC values(1,'963')

    insert into #TempC values(2,'904')

    insert into #TempC values(3,'965')

    create Table #TempB (fkid_a int, fkid_C int, Name nvarchar(10))

    insert into #TempB values(1,1,'ZZZ')

    insert into #TempB values(1,2,'YYY')

    insert into #TempB values(1,3,'XXX')

    insert into #TempB values(2,2,'WWW')

    insert into #TempB values(3,2,'VVV')

    select Distinct #TempA.NameA, #TempC.NameC

    from #TempA inner join #TempB on

    id_a = fkid_a inner join #TempC on fkid_C = id_c

    drop table #TempA

    drop table #TempB

    drop table #TempC

    After run i got this result:

    NameA NameC

    ---------- ----------

    AAA 904

    AAA 963

    AAA 965

    BBB 964

    (4 row(s) affected)

    But i want to get:

    AAA 904

    BBB 964

    The businees rule is, if id_c = 2 , i have to take this row, otherwise i can take any records.

    But i have trouble to do it in the select query.

    Any idea????

    Your help will be appreciate.


  • I believe your select query should look like:

    select distinct #TempA.NameA, #TempC.NameC

    from #TempA

    inner join #TempB

    on id_a = fkid_a

    inner join #TempC

    on fkid_C = id_c and id_c = 2

    seth delconte

  • Thank you Delconte for your answer, but it does not works, according to your query , we will get anytime the row with

    id_c = 2.

    But i want if id_c = 2 i will consider this row.

    so if i insert another row in these tables:

    create Table #TempA (id_a int, NameA nvarchar(10))

    insert into #TempA values(1,'AAA')

    insert into #TempA values(2,'BBB')

    insert into #TempA values(4,'CCC')

    create Table #TempC (id_c int, NameC nvarchar(10))

    insert into #TempC values(1,'963')

    insert into #TempC values(2,'904')

    insert into #TempC values(3,'965')

    insert into #TempC values(4,'965')

    create Table #TempB (fkid_a int, fkid_C int, Name nvarchar(10))

    insert into #TempB values(1,1,'ZZZ')

    insert into #TempB values(1,2,'YYY')

    insert into #TempB values(1,3,'XXX')

    insert into #TempB values(2,3,'WWW')

    insert into #TempB values(3,2,'VVV')

    insert into #TempB values(4,3,'YYY')

    select Distinct #TempA.NameA, #TempC.NameC

    from #TempA inner join #TempB on

    id_a = fkid_a inner join #TempC on fkid_C = id_c

    select distinct #TempA.NameA, #TempC.NameC

    from #TempA

    inner join #TempB

    on id_a = fkid_a

    inner join #TempC

    on fkid_C = id_c and id_c = 2

    drop table #TempA

    drop table #TempB

    drop table #TempC

    We suppose to have:

    NameA NameC

    ---------- ----------

    AAA 904

    BBB 965

    CCC 965

    Not only:

    NameA NameC

    ---------- ----------

    AAA 904


  • SELECT A.NameA, C.NameC

    FROM #TempA AS A


    APPLY (

    SELECT TOP (1)


    FROM #TempB AS B

    WHERE B.fkid_a = A.id_a


    B.fkid_C DESC

    ) AS B

    JOIN #TempC AS C ON C.id_c = B.fkid_C;

  • Hi SSCrazy Eights,

    thanks for your answer, but the result is not that i suppose to get.

    Your rersult:

    NameA NameC

    ---------- ----------

    AAA 965

    BBB 965

    CCC 965

    My result:

    NameA NameC

    ---------- ----------

    AAA 904

    BBB 965

    CCC 965

    Thank you.

  • Mosafi (2/24/2011)

    thanks for your answer, but the result is not that i suppose to get.

    I noticed that, but assumed it was an error in your test data.

    TableA value 1 matches three records in TableB, with values 1,2,3 for link to TableC.

    Highest value is 3, which links to value 965 in TableC.

    You need to be clearer about the logic.

  • Hi SSCrazy,

    There is misunderstanding about the rule business.

    I am not talking about Highest value as you said, so 3 is not the default value.

    As i said in the previous post, default value is id_c = 2, in this case i will consider the current row:

    insert into #TempC values(1,'963')

    insert into #TempC values(2,'904')

    insert into #TempC values(3,'965')

    insert into #TempC values(4,'965')

    AAA 904

    AAA 963

    AAA 965

    BBB 965

    CCC 965

    So for each row in the result i have this test:


    if id_c = 2 then

    AAA, 904 will be take


    any row

    BBB, CCC:

    if id_c = 2 then

    on this case nothing


    any row (BBB,965| CCC,965) will be take


  • Right.

    SELECT A.NameA, C.NameC

    FROM #TempA AS A


    APPLY (

    SELECT TOP (1)


    FROM #TempB AS B

    WHERE B.fkid_a = A.id_a



    WHEN B.fkid_C = 2 THEN 0

    ELSE 1


    ) AS B

    JOIN #TempC AS C ON C.id_c = B.fkid_C


  • Wonderful SSCrazy, it's works now.

    I was trying to solve the issue with the RANK notion, but i still looking. Anyway with the CROSS APPLY in your solution it's fine. I will learn something new today after i will read more on this ACCROS APPLY.


  • Mosafi (2/24/2011)

    I will learn something new today after i will read more on this ACCROS APPLY.

    There's an article on this site about APPLY, and I know the author: << Part 1 << Part 2

  • Once again , thanks.:-)

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