Delete command in trigger

  • In my trigger I'm retrieving values from table named "X" based on id. After retrieving, with those values I'm updating the Table "Y" columns.After completion of update i want to delete those particular rows from my Table "X".

    Thanks in advance.

  • This almost sounds like homework or an interview question.

    You should write some code, make an attempt, and if you don't understand what works or doesn't, we'll help. But we don't do all your work for you.

  • no i'm trying this but while deleting i'm getting error.

    I'll explain my actual scenario , my third party interfave inserting values to my tables "X" and "Y". I want to update some columns in table "X" with the values i'm getting in Table "Y".

    For example :

    "Y" Table cols are id,allergy

    "X" Table cols are id,allergy1,allergy2,allergy3

    I wrote the after insert trigger on "X" Table.In that trigger i'm taking the allergy values of a paticular id(may those will come 1 to 3 values mean columns).After that i'm updating those values in my "X" table allergy1,allergy2,allergy3 columns.

    After updating i want to delete those columns from "Y" table.

    If i don't write delete statement in the trigger it was working fine.If i write delete statement i'm getting error.both insertions are failing

  • whats the error?

    "Keep Trying"

  • Insert into Y(id,allergy1,allergy2,allergy3) values(?,?,?)

    ODBC Driver Error:

    Invalid length parameter passed to the substring function.

    If we remove the delete statement we are not getting any error.

  • You are using a substring function in your code. check the value of the length parameter being passed.

    "Keep Trying"

  • No one can accurately answer this question without seeing the code you are using.

  • I've two tables "Medication" and "Allergy"

    Medication table has cols: MedCardID,alg1,alg2,alg3,alg4,alg5


    Allergy table has cols : CardID,allergey

    After inserting the values into allergy table and Medication table.I want to update the allergies in medication table(at the time of insertion these values are null).suppose that in medication table i've 5 rows with some cardid, and in allergy table i've 3 rows with that same card id.

    Now i want to take those 3 rows from allergy table( i mean 1st row value of allergy col is alg1,2nd val of allergy col is alg2,3rd val of allergy col is alg3 , that)and update all the rows(5 rows) in medication table.

    But i want to delete the rows in Allergy table for that CardID after updation complete in Medication table.

    Below is my trigger

    ALTER TRIGGER [trgMedication]

    ON [dbo].[Medication]




    Declare @MedCardId varchar(50),

    @DischargeDate varchar(10),

    @GroupNo varchar(50),

    @Diagnosis varchar(50),

    @EffDate datetime,

    @DrugStatus int,

    @MedDescription varchar(255),

    @Strength varchar(50),

    @MedDes varchar(100),

    @InsertedMedDescription varchar(255)

    Select @MedCardId=MedCardId,





    From Inserted


    declare @alg1 varchar(255)

    declare @alg2 varchar(255)

    declare @alg3 varchar(255)

    declare @alg4 varchar(255)

    declare @alg5 varchar(255)

    DECLARE @Allergies VARCHAR(8000)

    SET @Allergies = ''

    SELECT @Allergies = Allergy + '$' + @Allergies

    FROM (Select distinct Allergy from Allergy where CardID=@MedCardId and Allergy is not null) A

    --Print @Allergies

    if @Allergies is not NULL


    SET @alg1 = substring(@Allergies, 1, patindex('%$%', @Allergies)-1)

    SET @Allergies = substring(@Allergies, patindex('%$%', @Allergies)+1, len(@Allergies))

    --Print @alg1

    if @Allergies <> ''

    SET @alg2 = substring(@Allergies, 1, patindex('%$%', @Allergies)-1)

    SET @Allergies = substring(@Allergies, patindex('%$%', @Allergies)+1, len(@Allergies))

    --Print @alg2

    if @Allergies <> ''

    SET @alg3 = substring(@Allergies, 1, patindex('%$%', @Allergies)-1)

    SET @Allergies = substring(@Allergies, patindex('%$%', @Allergies)+1, len(@Allergies))

    --Print @alg3

    if @Allergies <> ''

    SET @alg4 = substring(@Allergies, 1, patindex('%$%', @Allergies)-1)

    SET @Allergies = substring(@Allergies, patindex('%$%', @Allergies)+1, len(@Allergies))

    --Print @alg4

    if @Allergies <> ''

    SET @alg5 = substring(@Allergies, 1, patindex('%$%', @Allergies)-1)

    SET @Allergies = substring(@Allergies, patindex('%$%', @Allergies)+1, len(@Allergies))

    --Print @alg5



    Select top 1 @GroupNo=PlanId,@Diagnosis=Diagnosis, @DrugStatus = DrugStatus from PatientLog



    order by ModifiedDate desc

    Update Medication set












    where (MedCardId=@MedCardId and MedDescription=@InsertedMedDescription) OR (MedCardId=@MedCardId and MedDescription is NULL)

    delete from allergy where CardID=@MedCardId


  • I'm not going to address all th code in this post, but will quickly say that you should rethink the trigger because it will only work for a single row insert. If a set of data is inserted it will only transfer the data for one run, and you are not guaranteed which row that will be. Check out this article[/url] for some tips.

    I will take some time to more closely examine the code as well.

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