Delete column from multiple (hundreds) of tables

  • Hi,

    I have a rather large number of tables made using a (fairly) standard template. Due to a compatibility issue with another program, I need to drop one of the columns from all tables. I'm working on the syntax for it, but my brain is not cooperating. Can anyone help me finish off the code, or point me to a better way to do it?


    use sample

    declare @sql = nvarchar(max)

    declare @tblnm = nvarchar(64)

    set @sql = 'alter table ['+@tblnm+'drop column Active'

    select @tblnm = from information_schema.columns

    where column_name = 'active'

  • You may want to look at the procedure (in the Master DB) titled


    Review the T-SQL to determine if it will perform as you want it to, or if it does not prehaps a simple modification will suffice.

    If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.


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  • bitbucket-25253 (2/20/2013)

    You may want to look at the procedure (in the Master DB) titled


    Review the T-SQL to determine if it will perform as you want it to, or if it does not prehaps a simple modification will suffice.

    Oh, that's awesome. Thanks. Based on your experience, if it runs into a table that doesn't have the column I'm trying to get rid of, will it stop and throw an error, or continue the loop?

    exec sp_msforeachtable

    'alter table ''?'' drop column Active'

    I'm reading up on the @commandorder parameters now.

  • I use this to add the same column to a group of tables. You can modify it to remove a column. I choose "Results to text", then copy-paste the results to a new window to review it and run. It has a "GO" between each line, so it should keep running if some operations fail if the column is not found.

    use MyDatabase

    set nocount on

    select 'use MyDatabase'


    go '

    FROM (select name from sys.objects where (name like 'DLRT%')

    and name <> 'DLTest' and schema_id = 1) o

    order by

  • You can also EXEC the @sql returned by this:

    DECLARE @sql nvarchar(max) = ''

    SELECT @sql = @sql + CHAR(10) + '



    DROP COLUMN Active



    PRINT ''' + TABLE_NAME + '''


    FROM information_schema.columns


    PRINT @sql

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