defining SQL Connection in the actuveX Script

  • hi!, I have created an SSIS Package that includes ActiveX Script for mass Mailing and updating database  simultaneously....

    However the connection strings are different at Development enevironment, at staging level and at Production Level, thereby building the whole Package with the connection properties to be used, I sure can change the Connection properties of a data source at the deployment time but how can i change the connection strings specified in the script....

    Pls Help..Thanks in advance!!




  • You can use the Package Configurations to generate a configuration file that will populate SSIS global variables with the values that are different in dev and prod.  You can then reference these (i.e. DTSGlobalVariables("your_variable_name").Value) in your script to build the connection string.

    You'll have two configuration files -- one for the development environment and one for the production environment, each with their respective values.

    Hope this helps.  -Brian

  • i m not able to work it out man....the package is up n running on the prod. but i needed to change the connection strings within the activeX script for the prod and then deployed it on the live....

    if possible, can u give me a sample for wat u stated above...



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