Defining fields for rolling 24 months

  • I'm trying to write a report which displays the last 24 months' sales for a customer (as a month-on-month comparison for the last twelve months, then a difference in % terms). The report is against Analysis Services, and I know very little about MDX. I have however managed to come up with a query to get me the last 24 months. See this thread for more info:

    Now, the problem I have is that the names Reporting Services assigns to the field match the names of the months returned by the query (so a name will be "Time_Fiscal_2007_March", for example). This field name is useless to me in the report, since next month I'll have to shuffle all the fields along by one month. If I rename the field to something like "ThisMonth", next month the name will stick with March and I'll have a "Time_Fiscal_2007_April" at the top of the list.

    So you can see my dilemma. I need to have a series of field names such as "24MonthsAgo", "23MonthsAgo"... "LastMonth". These need to update dynamically as the months roll over. What is the best way to do this?

  • OK, I've been able to "stringify" the field name using the following formula in the Report Properties Code section:


    Public Shared Function MonthField(ByVal MonthsAgo As Integer) As String

    Dim EvalDate As Date

    EvalDate = DateAdd("m",-1*MonthsAgo, Now)

    MonthField = "Fields!TimeNJ_Fiscal_All_TimeNJ_" & Iif(Month(EvalDate) > 6, Year(DateAdd("yyyy",1,EvalDate)), Year(EvalDate)) & "_" & MonthName(Month(EvalDate))

    End Function


    I can reference this code in the report using "=Code.MonthField(3)" and it will return the string of the correct field name.

    How can I use this value as a field name and not as a string??

  • Woohoo!

    I've taken the "Fields!" prefix out of the returned value in the formula above. Then using =Fields(Code.MonthField(24)).Value, in a table, against the customer, I get the value I'm after.

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