February 13, 2008 at 12:25 pm
Does anyone have a better definition for the SQL Server wait state Sleep_Task? I found the "generic" definition : Occurs when SQL Server is waiting for a generic event. Doesn't tell me much, and I've read all the papers (that I could find) on WaitStates and can't find much documentation on that particular one. Can anyone define, or give better examples of what would cause this to occur?
Thanks much,
February 21, 2008 at 1:46 am
waiting for something to happen? twiddling my fingers until someone does something. catching forty winks until I'm asked to do something.
[font="Comic Sans MS"]The GrumpyOldDBA[/font]
February 22, 2008 at 5:02 pm
I'm seeing the same waitetype sleep_task. They are always associated with a processID that has the status of suspended.
The issue that I have is that these process are still chewing up alot of CPU and I/O. Typically this will only last only for a short period of time but it will bring everything to a stand still because it will peg the server.
Is there a way to clean up this processes before the cause all the problems?
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