Define Sleep_Task Wait State

  • Does anyone have a better definition for the SQL Server wait state Sleep_Task? I found the "generic" definition : Occurs when SQL Server is waiting for a generic event. Doesn't tell me much, and I've read all the papers (that I could find) on WaitStates and can't find much documentation on that particular one. Can anyone define, or give better examples of what would cause this to occur?

    Thanks much,

  • waiting for something to happen? twiddling my fingers until someone does something. catching forty winks until I'm asked to do something.

    [font="Comic Sans MS"]The GrumpyOldDBA[/font]

  • I'm seeing the same waitetype sleep_task. They are always associated with a processID that has the status of suspended.

    The issue that I have is that these process are still chewing up alot of CPU and I/O. Typically this will only last only for a short period of time but it will bring everything to a stand still because it will peg the server.

    Is there a way to clean up this processes before the cause all the problems?

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