Default Parameter to a store procedure

  • I have a procedure with has 3 parameter

    param1 INT,

    param2 INT = NULL,

    param3 INT = NULL

    How do I know at run time parameter that Param2 and param3 used default vaule NULL or passedin value NULL


  • This procedure only requires param1 have a value. If you call the proc and pass @param1 = 5, then the other 2 will use the default of null. If you call the proc and pass @param1 = 5 and @param2 = 7 then @param2 will use 7 and @param3 will use null. The default is only used if the param is not passed in at all. If @param1 is not passed in then you will receive an error

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  • Yes I knoe it will use Null if value not passed in

    but is their a way to chack at run time to see it's uses default value or passed in value

  • Yes, you need to define an impossible value for the parameter and set that as the default value

    IE : @Age = -987654321

    Then you can check between not supplied and NULL "value".

  • Why do you care?

    NULL is null, whether the user passes it or not.

  • Lets say I have default value as 1 then what??

  • jagat.patel (9/9/2010)

    Lets say I have default value as 1 then what??

    Assuming you can answer the "why do you care" question...

    you can run if @Age = -987654321... do whatever.

    I've never seen that very usefull unless I was building dynamic sql.

  • yes for that I want to check what going on may be you idea is batter to sat som impossible value as default then NULL

    but their is no way of any flag to know how parameter got that vaule


  • Well ya, add another parameter for each "nullable" parameter that says wether the user set it to null or wether you did it yourself in the application. That's longer to code but it works better than an impossible value (because sometimes you don't have one).

    However I'd like to point out again than in 90% of the cases it makes no difference, hence the comment you got from Steve earlier.

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