default date format

  • this has got to be annoyingly simple but how do you change the default date format?

    select getdate()

    returns 2003-11-17 14:05:33.013.

    How do I get 17-11-2003?


  • Use the CONVERT function, e.g.:

    SELECT CONVERT(char(10),GETDATE(),105)



  • but is there a way of changing the underlying default so I don't have to run a convert?

  • quote:

    but is there a way of changing the underlying default so I don't have to run a convert?

    You're just seeing the "underlying default" of whatever front-end you use, so format the value with your front-end. Dates are dates; what you see is the front-end's presentation. For example, with Query Analyzer (QA), change your workstation's regional settings to, say, Italian (or just customize the Short date format to "dd/mm/yyyy"), and then on QA's Tools|Options|Connections screen, check the Use regional settings when displaying currency, number, dates, and times option.



  • i used this one to convert :

    CAST(fld AS smalldatetime)





  • i used this one to convert :

    CAST(fld AS smalldatetime)





  • i used this one to convert :

    CAST(fld AS smalldatetime)





  • JV which one do you use again?

  • type 'convert' in query analyser, highlight it, an press shift and f1. To find help on the convert command, including a large table of the data-formats.

  • JV,

    The nice thing about CONVERT vs CAST is that CONVERT supports a wide range of style codes as opposed to CAST.

    See the BOL for a fuller explanation, but ultimately, it matters not when doing actual data comparison.

    Quick brainteaser for our beginning DBA's: what's the quickest method to strip out the time from a DATETIME field (returning only the date)?


    Edited by - sainswor99 on 12/05/2003 1:01:53 PM

  • I think it is the easiest way

    select * from Track


    Track.Track_Open_Date = CAST(CONVERT(char(10),GETDATE(),102) AS smalldatetime))

  • quote:

    Quick brainteaser for our beginning DBA's: what's the quickest method to strip out the time from a DATETIME field (returning only the date)?

    Ok I'm not exactly a beginning DBA, but I'm always up for a brainteaser. Does the result need to be in datetime format, or a specific date format eg: dd-mm-yy?

    If not then you can do

    CAST(<date value> as varchar(11))

    this will return a varchar date in the format of mmm dd yyyy.

    Hope this helps

    Phill Carter


    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

  • quote:


    Quick brainteaser for our beginning DBA's: what's the quickest method to strip out the time from a DATETIME field (returning only the date)?

    Ok I'm not exactly a beginning DBA, but I'm always up for a brainteaser. Does the result need to be in datetime format, or a specific date format eg: dd-mm-yy?

    If not then you can do

    CAST(<date value> as varchar(11))

    this will return a varchar date in the format of mmm dd yyyy.

    Hope this helps

    Phill Carter


    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

    Close enough 🙂

    I typically use CONVERT(varchar(11), @Date, [style]) instead of CAST, only because it gives me the flexibility of changing the format a bit. CAST will work just fine, however 🙂


    Edited by - sainswor99 on 11/27/2003 6:41:59 PM

  • I agree CONVERT does have the advantage of being able to change the output format. It's also handy to bear in mind that you can use CONVERT's type parameter for converting float, real, money and smallmoney.

    Hope this helps

    Phill Carter


    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

  • quote:

    Quick brainteaser for our beginning DBA's: what's the quickest method to strip out the time from a DATETIME field (returning only the date)?


    Quickest performing?

    SUBSTRING(CAST(<datetime value> AS binary(8)),1,4)

    Quickest to type?

    LEFT(<datetime value>,11)

    --Jonathan (beginning DBA )


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