Decrypting program name from sysprocesses for agent job

  • Hey all,

    Are there any known ways to decrypt the hex shown in sysprocesses on program name when the process is a sql agent job?

    For example, I have a job running now and it shows up as: SQLAgent - TSQL JobStep (Job 0x3E31DB24ED72CD49A8114462A66A0367 : Step 1). I want to display the actual job name in place of the hex. Using fn_hex_to_char works:




    ,'0x' + dbo.fn_hex_to_char(job_id,16)

    FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobs

    ... but I'd prefer to have a function that actually replaced the passed in hex with the appropriate char value.


  • Anyone?

  • The hex is the job_id for the job. You can query sysjobs and it will give you the name of the job.


    select * from msdb..sysjobs

    where job_id = 0x1292021D3C929A4CBBE3895A61FA68CC

  • akshay1974 (6/13/2008)

    The hex is the job_id for the job. You can query sysjobs and it will give you the name of the job.


    select * from msdb..sysjobs

    where job_id = 0x1292021D3C929A4CBBE3895A61FA68CC

    Negative, the program_name from sysprocesses does not match up to the job_id from sysjobs.

    For example, I'm showing SQLAgent - TSQL JobStep (Job 0x3E31DB24ED72CD49A8114462A66A0367 : Step 1) in sysprocesses, yet the job_id for this job is 24DB313E-72ED-49CD-A811-4462A66A0367.

  • Adam Bean (6/13/2008)

    akshay1974 (6/13/2008)

    The hex is the job_id for the job. You can query sysjobs and it will give you the name of the job.


    select * from msdb..sysjobs

    where job_id = 0x1292021D3C929A4CBBE3895A61FA68CC

    Negative, the program_name from sysprocesses does not match up to the job_id from sysjobs.

    For example, I'm showing SQLAgent - TSQL JobStep (Job 0x3E31DB24ED72CD49A8114462A66A0367 : Step 1) in sysprocesses, yet the job_id for this job is 24DB313E-72ED-49CD-A811-4462A66A0367.


    from msdb.dbo.sysjobs j

    inner join

    msdb.dbo.sysjobsteps s on j.job_id = s.job_id

    where step_uid = '3E31DB24ED72CD49A8114462A66A0367' --job step id

    * Noel

  • Not the same number there either.

    step_uid = 55060C17-0964-459C-A338-9ADF1C40384F

    sysprocesses program_name = 0x3E31DB24ED72CD49A8114462A66A0367

  • From your Post:

    For example, I'm showing SQLAgent - TSQL JobStep (Job 0x3E31DB24ED72CD49A8114462A66A0367 : Step 1) in sysprocesses, yet the job_id for this job is 24DB313E-72ED-49CD-A811-4462A66A0367.

    IF you replace 0x3E31DB24ED72CD49A8114462A66A0367 in the query I posted

    for '3E31DB24ED72CD49A8114462A66A0367'

    it will show the running jobname

    --- Note: NO 0x, single-quoted AND NO "-".

    * Noel

  • Not sure If I'm following you here ...


    - job_id = 24DB313E-72ED-49CD-A811-4462A66A0367


    - step_uid = 55060C17-0964-459C-A338-9ADF1C40384F


    - program_name = 0x3E31DB24ED72CD49A8114462A66A0367

    How can I get that program_name to match up to the job or the jobstep? The number does not match ... regardless to as of the prefix 0x. The program_name and job_id are similar towards the end, but that's about it.

  • The hex is the job_id. Try the below

    select * from msdb..sysjobs where job_id =


  • akshay1974 (6/13/2008)

    The hex is the job_id. Try the below

    select * from msdb..sysjobs where job_id =


    Woah, how is this possible? How can I convert that number to match the job_id?

  • Also, do you know if the hex # in sysprocesses is always the same length? I am trying to figure out the best way to parse out the number to join it ...

  • Here you go.

    declare @jobid varchar(1000)

    Declare curtemp cursor for SELECT SUBSTRING (


    PATINDEX ('%(Job %', PROGRAM_nAME)+ 5,



    open curtemp

    fetch next from curtemp into @jobid

    while @@fetch_status = 0


    declare @sql varchar (1000)

    select @sql = ' select * from msdb..sysjobs where job_id = ' + @jobid

    EXEC (@SQL)

    fetch next from curtemp into @jobid


    close curtemp

    deallocate curtemp

  • Yes, the hex is 32 + 2 for 0x. Its the uniqueidentifier converted in binary format.

  • Awesome ... but I need to get this into a view, no dynamic sql ...

    I'm close, but having some serious issues when converting char to uniqueident ...

    This is what I got so far:







    --SUBSTRING(p.[program_name],CHARINDEX('0x',p.[program_name]) +2, CHARINDEX(SPACE(1), p.[program_name], CHARINDEX('0x', p.[program_name])) - CHARINDEX('0x', p.[program_name]) -2) AS [JobId]

    CAST(SUBSTRING(p.[program_name],PATINDEX('%(Job %', p.[program_name]) + 5,34) AS UNIQUEIDENTIFIER) AS [JobId]


    FROM master.sys.sysprocesses p

    WHERE p.[program_name] LIKE 'SQLAgent%JobStep%'

    ) AS p

    INNER JOIN msdb.dbo.sysjobs j

    ON j.job_id = p.JobId

  • Haven't had much progress ...

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