
  • ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[spGetDecryptDataTes]


    @caseid varchar(max)




    DECLARE @hexstr varchar(max), @bin varbinary (4000)

    --SET @hexstr = @caseid--'0x1234abcdef'

    EXEC usp_hexstrtovarbin @caseid, @bin OUTPUT

    SELECT @bin

    declare @vb varbinary(max)

    set @vb = convert(varbinary(max),@bin)

    OPEN SYMMETRIC KEY LinkFieldSymmetricKey


    --select CONVERT(VARCHAR(20),DECRYPTBYKEY(convert(varbinary(max),@bin,1))) AS PASSWORD

    SELECT CONVERT(varchar, DecryptByKey(EncryptByKey(Key_GUID('LinkFieldSymmetricKey'), @bin))) as test

    SELECT DecryptByKey(@vb)

    --exec spGetDecryptDataTes '0x00D25D1B005BBC4E86FD45C7C3DDCC3701000000ED7007675C13943EC40EDF3E0BD14055110EBFE82A69C38F53DC908223CA472D'


    i have tried all possible ways that i could think of...but my decryptbykey returns a null value.

    Please Help

  • Are you sure this encrypted data represent good data (not NULL value)? Please try it with another encrypted value.

  • Yep....any indea how to decrypt through a stored procedure? m totally out of ideas 🙁 Please help

  • Try following...

    CONVERT(nvarchar, DecryptByKey(@caseid)) AS test

    For More:

  • Please notice ‘Step 11 - Accessing the Encrypted Data’ in the article given below.

    A user need to have permission to symmetric key and certificate to decrypt data, if they still try to decrypt then they will receive null for encrypted values.

  • I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed, but does this have anything to do with it?

    You convert it to varchar. Varchar by itself limits it to 10 characters by default, if you don't give it a size. If the outcome has length greater than 10, it may not be able to return it, thereby just returning null. Would making the varchar something bigger like varchar(2000) work better?

  • cont'd:

    I know that the result of a DECRYPTBYKEY call is a varbinary value, that's why you have to convert it to varchar.

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