decode pl/sql

  • same error:


    CAST(RIGHT(ca.attribute10,3) as varchar(3)) = '086'

    --and si.bill_to_flag in ('P','Y')

    --and IsNull(org.status,'A') ='A'

    --and between GetDate()org.effective_start_date and GetDate() org.effective_end_date

    --and orig.owner_table_name ='HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS'

    --and (orig.orig_system is null or orig.orig_system not in ('ALUMINUM'))

    --order by

    --ca.account_number, ca.attribute10;

  • Good catch on str. I kept seeing it and ignoring it also.

  • I can't see how that code would give you that error. This works fine:

    DECLARE @b-2 nvarchar(50)

    SET @b-2 = 'afeakfe;a-086'

    SELECT CASE WHEN CAST(RIGHT(@b,3) as varchar(3)) = '086' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END


    The cast should be unnecessary, I just threw it in there for good measure. Is there any chance you had your original code in the window and it executed both?

    For that matter... eliminating the WHERE clause earlier shouldn't have given you the same error either. Are you aware that in MS SQL(Both SSMS and QA), if you only want to run part of what is in the window, you need to highlight just that section before clicking run?

    Seth Phelabaum

    Consistency is only a virtue if you're not a screwup. 😉

    Links: How to Post Sample Data[/url] :: Running Totals[/url] :: Tally Table[/url] :: Cross Tabs/Pivots[/url] :: String Concatenation[/url]

  • when i run only this portion of the code i still get the same error:

    Msg 9803, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    Invalid data for type "numeric".

    SELECT 1


    --WHEN orig.orig_system is null or orig.orig_system = 'UNKNOWN'

    -- THEN 'ORACLE'

    --ELSE orig.orig_system

    --END, -- + '|' +

    --IsNull(orig.orig_system_reference,ca.orig_system_reference), -- + '|' +

    --ca.account_number, -- + '|' +

    --ca.attribute10, -- + '|' +

    --hp.party_name, -- + '|' +

    --ca.status, -- + '|' +

    --hp.category_code, -- + '|' +

    --ca.customer_class_code, -- + '|' +

    --convert(varchar(10), ca.account_established_date, 101), -- + '|' +

    --org.known_as, -- + '|' +




    INNER JOIN Oracle11i..AR.HZ_PARTIES HP ON CAST(org.party_id as nvarchar(50)) = CAST(hp.party_id as nvarchar(50))

    INNER JOIN Oracle11i..AR.HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS CA ON CAST(hp.party_id as nvarchar(50)) = CAST(ca.party_id as nvarchar(50))

    INNER JOIN Oracle11i..AR.HZ_ORIG_SYS_REFERENCES ORIG ON CAST(orig.owner_table_id as nvarchar(50)) = CAST(ca.cust_account_id as nvarchar(50))

    INNER JOIN Oracle11i..AR.HZ_CUST_ACCT_SITES_ALL SI ON CAST(ca.cust_account_id as nvarchar(50)) = CAST(si.cust_account_id as nvarchar(50))

  • The base idea here is to boil this query down to its base elements and figure out everything that's causing issues. At this point, you'd start commenting out joins one at a time until you found out which of those was a problem etc. etc. As you fix issues, you add things back in. Beyond that, I'm out of ideas. I see nothing in that query that (based on the information you're providing, and assuming that is the only thing being run) would cause the error you are getting.

    That said, like Lynn, I have no experience in Oracle, and it seems that may be what's needed at this point.

    Seth Phelabaum

    Consistency is only a virtue if you're not a screwup. 😉

    Links: How to Post Sample Data[/url] :: Running Totals[/url] :: Tally Table[/url] :: Cross Tabs/Pivots[/url] :: String Concatenation[/url]

  • I have to second Seth on the approach. Start by writing your query simply as a select query, starting with the main table first and all the data elements needed from it. Then add one table and the required elements from it at a time until you have an error.

    From that, maybe we can help you further.

    Also, maybe there is a lurker out there watching this thread who has some Oracle experience and will jump in finally and help out.

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