• I am building a dynamic sql statement depending on data in a table.

    Afterwards I want to declare a cursor like the following

    DECLARE dynstmnt_cursor CURSOR FOR @dynamicsql

    which obviously is not allowed because the compiler does not accept the syntax.

    The variable @dynamicsql will contain a normal 'select * from table' statement.

    Is there a way do this.

    Would appreciate some help

  • You cannot specific the sql statement as a variable for the cursor.

    The easiest was around this is to include the whole cursor operation into your dynamic sql statement.

  • Thanks for the quick response.

    I know that I can not use this kind of syntax but is there any other way of doing it without including the whole cursor declaration and the processing afterwards in the dynamic statement.

    Because the way I understand it the fetch will also have to be included in the dynamic statement and that is going to make things very difficult.


  • Your understanding is correct, because the dynamic sql will be executing in a differenc scope to your main procedure you will have to include the WHOLE cursor operation (declare, open, fetch, close, deallocate) within your dynamic code.

  • Just has a thought......

    In your code prior to declaring the cursor, create a temporary table and populate the temporary table with the data from the dynamic statement. Then you could hard code the reference the temporary table in your declaration of the cursor. I think this should give you the flexibilty you require.

    Hope it helps.

  • Yes, I think the temporary table is the best solution

    Thanks for your help.

    Appreciate it

  • Actually you can, as long as it is in the same session/proc, like this

    declare @sql nvarchar(1000)
    set @sql = 'DECLARE curs CURSOR FOR select col1,col2 from table'
    exec sp_executesql @sql
    declare @col1 int,@col2 int
    OPEN curs
    FETCH NEXT FROM curs INTO @col1,@col2
    SELECT @col1,@col2
    FETCH NEXT FROM curs INTO @col1,@col2
    CLOSE curs

    Depending on how much data what you want to do with it, temp table is probably the best.

    Edited by - davidburrows on 06/12/2003 06:56:13 AM

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

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