declare cursor select from another database table

  • I am writing a stored procedure, wish to pass in @DBName which can used for my declare cursor selection statement.

    I tried "SELECT * FROM [@DBName].Table1", but cannot 🙁

    May I know how to code that?


  • You cannot use that syntax: the object to query cannot be a parameter.

    You could use dynamic sql:

    DECLARE @sql nvarchar(max)

    SET @sql = 'SELECT * FROM ['+ @dbname +'].Table1'

    EXEC sp_executesql @sql

    Anyway you can't use dynamic sql as source for a cursor, so you would have to insert your data into a temp table and the open the cursor on the temp table:

    CREATE TABLE #tempTable (

    column1 int,

    column2 int


    DECLARE @sql nvarchar(max)

    SET @sql = 'SELECT * FROM ['+ @dbname +']..Table1'

    INSERT #tempTable

    EXEC sp_executesql @sql


    It's a possible choiche when you don't have to open a cursor no a huge amount of data.

    Another possibile solution is coding a query for each possible @dbName




    IF @dbName = 'DB1'

    SET @cur = cur1

    IF @dbName = 'DB2'

    SET @cur = cur2

    Hope this helps


    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • See if this helps

    CREATE TABLE Table1 (

    column1 int,

    column2 int


    INSERT INTO Table1(column1,column2) VALUES(10,20)


    DECLARE @column1 INT

    DECLARE @column2 INT

    SET @DBName=DB_Name()

    EXEC ('DECLARE cur1 CURSOR FOR SELECT * FROM '+@DBName+'..Table1')

    OPEN cur1

    FETCH NEXT FROM cur1 INTO @column1,@column2

    SELECT @column1,@column2

    CLOSE cur1



    Deja View - The strange feeling that somewhere, sometime you've optimised this query before

    How to get the best help on a forum
  • Mark-101232 (10/8/2009)

    See if this helps

    CREATE TABLE Table1 (

    column1 int,

    column2 int


    INSERT INTO Table1(column1,column2) VALUES(10,20)


    DECLARE @column1 INT

    DECLARE @column2 INT

    SET @DBName=DB_Name()

    EXEC ('DECLARE cur1 CURSOR FOR SELECT * FROM '+@DBName+'..Table1')

    OPEN cur1

    FETCH NEXT FROM cur1 INTO @column1,@column2

    SELECT @column1,@column2

    CLOSE cur1


    If I have a WHERE clause with a variable @DTFrom? Is the following t-sql correct?

    EXEC ('DECLARE cur1 CURSOR FOR SELECT * FROM '+@DBName+'..Table1 WHERE TransDT >= '+@DTFrom+'')

    Btw, why need put double dot before "Table1"? Why not single dot?

  • setlan1983 (10/8/2009)

    Mark-101232 (10/8/2009)

    See if this helps

    CREATE TABLE Table1 (

    column1 int,

    column2 int


    INSERT INTO Table1(column1,column2) VALUES(10,20)


    DECLARE @column1 INT

    DECLARE @column2 INT

    SET @DBName=DB_Name()

    EXEC ('DECLARE cur1 CURSOR FOR SELECT * FROM '+@DBName+'..Table1')

    OPEN cur1

    FETCH NEXT FROM cur1 INTO @column1,@column2

    SELECT @column1,@column2

    CLOSE cur1


    If I have a WHERE clause with a variable @DTFrom? Is the following t-sql correct?

    EXEC ('DECLARE cur1 CURSOR FOR SELECT * FROM '+@DBName+'..Table1 WHERE TransDT >= '+@DTFrom+'')

    Btw, why need put double dot before "Table1"? Why not single dot?

    If you have parameters (i.e. @DTFrom in your scenario), you're better off using sp_executesql instead of EXEC('...'), check in BOL for details.

    Tables are fully qualified with database name *and* owner, not just database name.

    Also in general, cursors are not the best approach because of performance/scalability issues, perhaps you could post some details of what you are trying to achieve.


    Deja View - The strange feeling that somewhere, sometime you've optimised this query before

    How to get the best help on a forum
  • Mark-101232 (10/8/2009)

    setlan1983 (10/8/2009)

    Mark-101232 (10/8/2009)

    See if this helps

    CREATE TABLE Table1 (

    column1 int,

    column2 int


    INSERT INTO Table1(column1,column2) VALUES(10,20)


    DECLARE @column1 INT

    DECLARE @column2 INT

    SET @DBName=DB_Name()

    EXEC ('DECLARE cur1 CURSOR FOR SELECT * FROM '+@DBName+'..Table1')

    OPEN cur1

    FETCH NEXT FROM cur1 INTO @column1,@column2

    SELECT @column1,@column2

    CLOSE cur1


    If I have a WHERE clause with a variable @DTFrom? Is the following t-sql correct?

    EXEC ('DECLARE cur1 CURSOR FOR SELECT * FROM '+@DBName+'..Table1 WHERE TransDT >= '+@DTFrom+'')

    Btw, why need put double dot before "Table1"? Why not single dot?

    If you have parameters (i.e. @DTFrom in your scenario), you're better off using sp_executesql instead of EXEC('...'), check in BOL for details.

    Tables are fully qualified with database name *and* owner, not just database name.

    Also in general, cursors are not the best approach because of performance/scalability issues, perhaps you could post some details of what you are trying to achieve.

    Actually I have 2 database, DB_A & DB_B.

    I want to Sum(SalesAmt) at Sales table in DB_A and insert into DB_B rptSales table.

  • setlan1983 (10/8/2009)

    Mark-101232 (10/8/2009)

    setlan1983 (10/8/2009)

    Mark-101232 (10/8/2009)

    See if this helps

    CREATE TABLE Table1 (

    column1 int,

    column2 int


    INSERT INTO Table1(column1,column2) VALUES(10,20)


    DECLARE @column1 INT

    DECLARE @column2 INT

    SET @DBName=DB_Name()

    EXEC ('DECLARE cur1 CURSOR FOR SELECT * FROM '+@DBName+'..Table1')

    OPEN cur1

    FETCH NEXT FROM cur1 INTO @column1,@column2

    SELECT @column1,@column2

    CLOSE cur1


    If I have a WHERE clause with a variable @DTFrom? Is the following t-sql correct?

    EXEC ('DECLARE cur1 CURSOR FOR SELECT * FROM '+@DBName+'..Table1 WHERE TransDT >= '+@DTFrom+'')

    Btw, why need put double dot before "Table1"? Why not single dot?

    If you have parameters (i.e. @DTFrom in your scenario), you're better off using sp_executesql instead of EXEC('...'), check in BOL for details.

    Tables are fully qualified with database name *and* owner, not just database name.

    Also in general, cursors are not the best approach because of performance/scalability issues, perhaps you could post some details of what you are trying to achieve.

    Actually I have 2 database, DB_A & DB_B.

    I want to Sum(SalesAmt) at Sales table in DB_A and insert into DB_B rptSales table.

    Something like this then (no cursors)

    INSERT INTO DB_B..rptSales(SalesAmt,...)

    SELECT Sum(SalesAmt),...

    FROM DB_A..Sales

    WHERE TransDT >= @DTFrom

    GROUP BY...


    Deja View - The strange feeling that somewhere, sometime you've optimised this query before

    How to get the best help on a forum
  • Mark-101232 (10/8/2009)

    setlan1983 (10/8/2009)

    Mark-101232 (10/8/2009)

    setlan1983 (10/8/2009)

    Mark-101232 (10/8/2009)

    See if this helps

    CREATE TABLE Table1 (

    column1 int,

    column2 int


    INSERT INTO Table1(column1,column2) VALUES(10,20)


    DECLARE @column1 INT

    DECLARE @column2 INT

    SET @DBName=DB_Name()

    EXEC ('DECLARE cur1 CURSOR FOR SELECT * FROM '+@DBName+'..Table1')

    OPEN cur1

    FETCH NEXT FROM cur1 INTO @column1,@column2

    SELECT @column1,@column2

    CLOSE cur1


    If I have a WHERE clause with a variable @DTFrom? Is the following t-sql correct?

    EXEC ('DECLARE cur1 CURSOR FOR SELECT * FROM '+@DBName+'..Table1 WHERE TransDT >= '+@DTFrom+'')

    Btw, why need put double dot before "Table1"? Why not single dot?

    If you have parameters (i.e. @DTFrom in your scenario), you're better off using sp_executesql instead of EXEC('...'), check in BOL for details.

    Tables are fully qualified with database name *and* owner, not just database name.

    Also in general, cursors are not the best approach because of performance/scalability issues, perhaps you could post some details of what you are trying to achieve.

    Actually I have 2 database, DB_A & DB_B.

    I want to Sum(SalesAmt) at Sales table in DB_A and insert into DB_B rptSales table.

    Something like this then (no cursors)

    INSERT INTO DB_B..rptSales(SalesAmt,...)

    SELECT Sum(SalesAmt),...

    FROM DB_A..Sales

    WHERE TransDT >= @DTFrom

    GROUP BY...

    But if I want archive the following:

    1. "SELECT Sum(SalesAmt) AS TotalSales, COUNT(*) AS TotalTrans FROM DB_A.Sales WHERE TransDT >= @DTFrom"

    2. "COUNT(*) AS TotalPassTrans FROM DB_A.Sales WHERE TransDT >= @DTFrom AND (DATEDIFF(minute, EntryDT, TransDT) <= 15)"

    3. I need to "INSERT INTO DB_B.rptSales (SalesAmt, TotalTrans, TotalPassTrans)" where TotalTrans = TotalTrans - TotalPassTrans

    Can do that without using cursor? Please guide.

  • setlan1983 (10/8/2009)

    Btw, why need put double dot before "Table1"? Why not single dot?...

    But if I want archive the following:

    1. "SELECT Sum(SalesAmt) AS TotalSales, COUNT(*) AS TotalTrans FROM DB_A.Sales WHERE TransDT >= @DTFrom"

    2. "COUNT(*) AS TotalPassTrans FROM DB_A.Sales WHERE TransDT >= @DTFrom AND (DATEDIFF(minute, EntryDT, TransDT) <= 15)"

    3. I need to "INSERT INTO DB_B.rptSales (SalesAmt, TotalTrans, TotalPassTrans)" where TotalTrans = TotalTrans - TotalPassTrans

    Can do that without using cursor? Please guide.

    1st, you asked why you need a double-dot. A fully-qualified object name has the syntax of:

    [servername].[database name].[schema name].

    the first three are optional; however once one is needed, the others are needed. So once you specify the database name (DB_A), you need the schema name. The double-dot allows sql to look up the schema you're allowed to see the table under, it's essentially just a short-cut for dbo in this case. Below, I've used dbo to specify the schema.

    Now, about the queries... You've just about got it.

    SELECT Sum(SalesAmt) AS TotalSales,

    COUNT(*) AS TotalTrans

    FROM DB_A.dbo.Sales

    WHERE TransDT >= @DTFrom

    SELECT COUNT(*) AS TotalPassTrans

    FROM DB_A.dbo.Sales

    WHERE TransDT >= @DTFrom

    AND (DATEDIFF(minute, EntryDT, TransDT) >= 15)

    INSERT INTO DB_B.dbo.rptSales (SalesAmt, TotalTrans, TotalPassTrans)

    SELECT SalesAmt, TotalTrans, TotalPassTrans

    FROM DB_A.dbo.Sales

    WHERE TotalTrans = TotalTrans - TotalPassTrans

    However, the last one will only insert anything where TotalPassTran = 0, so I don't think this is what you're looking for.

    In the last line, is the "TotalTrans - TotalPassTrans" coming from the first two queries? If so, then you need to put those values into variables, and use the variables in the third query. Like so...

    DECLARE @TotalTrans int, @TotalPassTrans int

    SELECT @TotalTrans = COUNT(*)

    FROM DB_A.dbo.Sales

    WHERE TransDT >= @DTFrom

    SELECT @TotalPassTrans = COUNT(*)

    FROM DB_A.dbo.Sales

    WHERE TransDT >= @DTFrom

    AND (DATEDIFF(minute, EntryDT, TransDT) >= 15)

    INSERT INTO DB_B.dbo.rptSales (SalesAmt, TotalTrans, TotalPassTrans)

    SELECT SalesAmt, @TotalTrans, @TotalPassTrans

    FROM DB_A.dbo.Sales

    WHERE TotalTrans = @TotalTrans - @TotalPassTrans

    and, just to be a wee bit more efficient, you can combine those first two queries into one:

    SELECT @TotalTrans = COUNT(*)

    @TotalPassTrans = SUM(CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(minute, EntryDT, TransDT) >= 15

    THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)

    FROM DB_A.dbo.Sales

    WHERE TransDT >= @DTFrom

    If you have an index on TransDT, and include EntryDT, then this ought to be pretty fast.

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

    If you can't explain to another person how the code that you're copying from the internet works, then DON'T USE IT on a production system! After all, you will be the one supporting it!
    For better assistance in answering your questions
    Performance Problems
    Common date/time routines
    Understanding and Using APPLY Part 1 & Part 2

  • WayneS (10/8/2009)

    setlan1983 (10/8/2009)

    Btw, why need put double dot before "Table1"? Why not single dot?...

    But if I want archive the following:

    1. "SELECT Sum(SalesAmt) AS TotalSales, COUNT(*) AS TotalTrans FROM DB_A.Sales WHERE TransDT >= @DTFrom"

    2. "COUNT(*) AS TotalPassTrans FROM DB_A.Sales WHERE TransDT >= @DTFrom AND (DATEDIFF(minute, EntryDT, TransDT) <= 15)"

    3. I need to "INSERT INTO DB_B.rptSales (SalesAmt, TotalTrans, TotalPassTrans)" where TotalTrans = TotalTrans - TotalPassTrans

    Can do that without using cursor? Please guide.

    1st, you asked why you need a double-dot. A fully-qualified object name has the syntax of:

    [servername].[database name].[schema name].

    the first three are optional; however once one is needed, the others are needed. So once you specify the database name (DB_A), you need the schema name. The double-dot allows sql to look up the schema you're allowed to see the table under, it's essentially just a short-cut for dbo in this case. Below, I've used dbo to specify the schema.

    Now, about the queries... You've just about got it.

    SELECT Sum(SalesAmt) AS TotalSales,

    COUNT(*) AS TotalTrans

    FROM DB_A.dbo.Sales

    WHERE TransDT >= @DTFrom

    SELECT COUNT(*) AS TotalPassTrans

    FROM DB_A.dbo.Sales

    WHERE TransDT >= @DTFrom

    AND (DATEDIFF(minute, EntryDT, TransDT) >= 15)

    INSERT INTO DB_B.dbo.rptSales (SalesAmt, TotalTrans, TotalPassTrans)

    SELECT SalesAmt, TotalTrans, TotalPassTrans

    FROM DB_A.dbo.Sales

    WHERE TotalTrans = TotalTrans - TotalPassTrans

    However, the last one will only insert anything where TotalPassTran = 0, so I don't think this is what you're looking for.

    In the last line, is the "TotalTrans - TotalPassTrans" coming from the first two queries? If so, then you need to put those values into variables, and use the variables in the third query. Like so...

    DECLARE @TotalTrans int, @TotalPassTrans int

    SELECT @TotalTrans = COUNT(*)

    FROM DB_A.dbo.Sales

    WHERE TransDT >= @DTFrom

    SELECT @TotalPassTrans = COUNT(*)

    FROM DB_A.dbo.Sales

    WHERE TransDT >= @DTFrom

    AND (DATEDIFF(minute, EntryDT, TransDT) >= 15)

    INSERT INTO DB_B.dbo.rptSales (SalesAmt, TotalTrans, TotalPassTrans)

    SELECT SalesAmt, @TotalTrans, @TotalPassTrans

    FROM DB_A.dbo.Sales

    WHERE TotalTrans = @TotalTrans - @TotalPassTrans

    and, just to be a wee bit more efficient, you can combine those first two queries into one:

    SELECT @TotalTrans = COUNT(*)

    @TotalPassTrans = SUM(CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(minute, EntryDT, TransDT) >= 15

    THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)

    FROM DB_A.dbo.Sales

    WHERE TransDT >= @DTFrom

    If you have an index on TransDT, and include EntryDT, then this ought to be pretty fast.

    But in the above case, i wish to set DB_A as a variable that can be passed in. How to achieve that?

  • setlan1983 (10/8/2009)

    But in the above case, i wish to set DB_A as a variable that can be passed in. How to achieve that?

    You can do it with dynamic SQL if you have many databases, or if you have only a few, you can do it with IF statements.


    IF @DB = 'DB1'


    SELECT ...

    FROM DB1.dbo.Sales ...


    IF @DB = 'DB2'

    etc. etc.

    If you have a large number of databases, or you want to make this code applicable to new databases in the future, dynamic SQL, along with the code that the above posters have given you should fix your issue.

    Dynamic SQL would turn Wayne's query into something like the following, which allows you to pass in the variable db name.

    DECLARE @sql varchar(max)

    SET @sql = '

    SELECT @TotalTrans = COUNT(*)

    @TotalPassTrans = SUM(CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(minute, EntryDT, TransDT) >= 15

    THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)

    FROM ' + @DB_A + '.dbo.Sales

    WHERE TransDT >= @DTFrom'


    Seth Phelabaum

    Consistency is only a virtue if you're not a screwup. 😉

    Links: How to Post Sample Data[/url] :: Running Totals[/url] :: Tally Table[/url] :: Cross Tabs/Pivots[/url] :: String Concatenation[/url]

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