Decimals and formatting

  • I've searched through the forums but have not found anything specifically related to my topic.

    If you take the following SQL statement and run it the result is .480

    SELECT CONVERT(DECIMAL(10, 3), 0.4799608993157)

    I want the result to be .479. Is there a way to achieve .479 as a result?



  • select convert(decimal(10,3),convert(int, (0.4799608993157 * 1000))) / 1000

    And then again, I might be wrong ...
    David Webb

  • Here's another way that might be faster as it's not doing the CONVERTs

    SELECT floor(0.4799608993157 * 1000) / 1000

  • Another poster supplied the following script.

    Sorry cant find the thread to give credit.



    CREATE FUNCTION RemoveDecimalsWithoutRounding

    ( @InputValue Float

    , @Decimals Int


    -- Get the rounded value

    DECLARE @ReturnValue Float;

    SET @ReturnValue = Round(@InputValue, @Decimals);

    -- If the value is too high remove the smalles value allowed by the specified number of decimal places

    IF @ReturnValue > @InputValue

     SET @ReturnValue = @ReturnValue - (1 /  Power(Convert(Float, 10), Convert(Float, @Decimals)));

    PRINT @ReturnValue;

    Modify as you wish for in datatype.

  • SELECT ROUND(0.4799608993157, 3, 1)

  • Thanks everyone! I knew I would get some good solutions here.


  • SELECT  CONVERT(DECIMAL(10, 3),ROUND(0.4799608993157, 3, 1))


    This will give result as .479

  • Why do the CONVERT when the ROUND works without it?

  • SELECT  ROUND(0.4799608993157, 3, 1) will return result as



    SELECT  CONVERT(DECIMAL(10, 3),ROUND(0.4799608993157, 3, 1)) will return result as





  • To Murthy: You are right, but what is the difference between .4790000000000 and .479 for SQL Server?

    SELECT CONVERT(DECIMAL(10, 3),ROUND(0.4799608993157, 3, 1)) / 1 -- .479000

    It is the client duty to represent these numbers in correct way for the end user.

  • Will this code work in T-SQL or will I have to modify it

    When I run it it I get the following error

    Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Procedure RemoveDecimalsWithoutRounding, Line 7

    Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'DECLARE'.


  • Most likely a small typo. Can you post the code you are using and the exact error message? That'll help us figure this out quicker for you.

  • The function was posted above by Ray.

    CREATE FUNCTION RemoveDecimalsWithoutRounding ( @InputValue Float, @Decimals Int)

    -- Get the rounded value

    DECLARE @ReturnValue Float;

    SET @ReturnValue = Round(@InputValue, @Decimals);

    -- If the value is too high remove the smalles value allowed by the specified number of decimal places

    IF @ReturnValue > @InputValue

    SET @ReturnValue = @ReturnValue - (1 / Power(Convert(Float, 10), Convert(Float, @Decimals)));

    PRINT @ReturnValue;

    What I can see is this:

    - a function needs to start with

    CREATE FUNCTION RemoveDecimalsWithoutRounding

    ( @InputValue Float, @Decimals Int)




    /*body of the function here*/

    RETURN @ReturnValue


    Also, better remove all the semicolons (";") - they don't belong into a SQL function.

    I didn't check the function itself, just what was apparent at first glance.

  • Oh, thank goodness... it's not "Bankers Rounding" 😀

    --Jeff Moden

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    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
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    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

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