decimal places are being rounded to zero

  • I have a simple query using an arithmetic expression that should have results in the decimal places. Instead it's rounding the decimal places to zero. Here's a simplified version of the query:

    declare @Size real

    et @Size = 2464 * 8 / 1024

    select @Size

    select cast(@Size as real)

    Here's the actual query:

    If Object_Id('tempdb..#DBSizes') is Not Null

    Drop table #DBSizes

    create table #DBSizes (

     size decimal(18,2),

     sizeMB decimal(18,2),

     maxsize real,

     name nvarchar(30),

     filename nvarchar(260)


    Exec sp_MSforeachdb 'INSERT INTO #DBSizes Select cast(size as decimal(18,2)),cast((size*8)/1024 as decimal(18,2)),maxsize,name,filename From ?..sysfiles '

    select * from #DBSizes

    Does anybody have any great ideas?



  • If the accuracy of a FLOAT is alright, then just force a FLOAT by adding a decimal point to one of the numbers.

    eg. set @Size = 2464.0 * 8 / 1024

    If you want to use decimals, eg money, you need to cast to the accuracy required at each stage of the calculation. This can get nasty.


  • Thanks so much! It's those stupid things that get you...

  • That's why it's called a Gotcha .

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