DBTYPE_DBTIMESTAMP oracle error ?!?

  • Hi All,

           Does anyone have a work-around or solution to the DBTYPE_DBTIMESTAMP error "Error converting data type DBTYPE_DBTIMESTAMP to datetime" you get when trying to retrieve an Oracle datetime field from SQL server? Am just trying to write a storedProcedure to grab it. Many thanks for any suggestions. Steve.

  • Seems like most of the time, this error is caused by Oracle dates that exceed the date range of SQL Server, which is 1/1/1753 to 12/31/9999.

    Review the following thread, maybe there is something there you can use:



  • We got this same problem using Access/ODBC to retreive an Oracle query result.  The only solution we found was on Oracle side: We changed the date to a character string in the Oracle query; then we converted it back to a date in MS Access.


    Bob Monahon

  • Thanks for the reply Bob,

                                       Sticky situation here with having nulls in some of the date fields. Ultimately need to write a sql server stored procedure to access the oracle data. Was able to use openquery with sql analyzer and returned the data back perfectly. Just seeing if this works in a stored procedure now. Steve.

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