dbo qualifier issue (dbo.tablename) with SQL backend Access FE

  • Can anyone help please?

    I have Access Projects Front ends on SQL 2005 backends.

    Some users are on Access2000, some are on Access2003 and some use Access2003 RunTime only.

    I have no problems with the Access 2003 full versions or runtimes. But with Access 2000 users, some can't use any forms or reports where the Recordsource property does not have the full qualifier:-

    e.g "SELECT * FROM dbo.Employee" .

    However some Access 2000 users work OK with "SELECT * FROM Employee" (without the "dbo." qualifier)

    Is there an option somewhere in Access 2000 to set whether or not the full qualifier is needed?

    Is there a service pack difference?

    Thanks for any help.


  • I don't know if there is a SP difference, this KB article references both the SP and dbo type problems, so it might be linked. http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;253180 


  • Hi,

    There is a SP difference. This was due to Access 2000 being released over a year before SQL Server 2000 consequently, Access 2000 (no service packs) does not support all of the new features of SQL Server 2000, and incompatibilities exist. The SR-1/SR-1a service pack (later) should also clear up other issues such as in this KB http://support.microsoft.com/kb/269824/.

    A couple of points to note: firstly always keep all your service packs up to date as much as possible or at least make sure that all the same versions of Access have the same service pack level and secondly all references to objects should always include the owner. SQL Server looks for an object owned by the currently logged in user first and then for one owned by dbo if the object doesn't have the owner specified. You can speed up this up by specifying the owner. This will also help avoid the situation where there are two or more objects with the same name but different owners. There will be different results depending on who is logged in if the owner is not specified. For example joe.vwSales may return all the sales for the year but dbo.vwSales may return the sales for the current month. If Joe logs in, he gets all the sales for the year but if Mary logs in she will get all the sales for the current month, if the form they are using has just vwSales as the recordsource.

    Hope this helps!

    Nicole 🙂

    Nicole Bowman

    Nothing is forever.

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