[DBNETLIB]SQL Server does not exist or access denied

  • Hi,

    I have a SQL 2000 instance which i'm not able to connect through named pipe! Below are the workarounds/settings...

    1) SQL Browser Restarted with Domain Account

    2) SQL Agent tried with both local and domain account

    3) SQL Server Service tried with both local and domain account

    4) Firewall service switched off

    5) Tried makepipe and readpipe and got "Failed to Open Pipe, Status=53"

    6) Check the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\Client\ConnectTo\DSQUERY and found the value is DBNETLIB

    7) Checked the named pipe in the Server config Utility and found that it is in compliance with \\.\pipe\MSSQL$instancename\sql\query

    8) Tried with IP\Instance instead of HostName - Not working

    9) Tried isql /SSERVER\Instance -E and got"Net-Library error 11004: ConnectionOpen (Connect())" Error Message.

    10) Checked the server setting and found that RPC is enabled for this instance.

    11) Checked in the error log and found this line "2008-06-27 05:50:56.71 server SQL server listening on Shared Memory, Named Pipes."

    12) When connected through local QA connection is working and netlibrary for this connection shows as LPC in sysprocesses.

    13) Named Pipe is the only protocol enabled in the server network utility of this server

    Named Pipe is the only protocol enabled in the client network utility of the pc from where i'm connecting.

    14) Both the client and server are in same LAN.

    15) Tried locally from the same server by creating an alias to use named pipe and go the error [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][Named Pipes]SQL Server does not exist or access denied.

    16) When tried from different client got this error message "[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][DBNETLIB]SQL Server does not exist or access denied."

    17) SQL 2000 SP4 in both server and client.

    18) Windows 2003 SP1 in both server and client.

    19) Able to connect to SQL 2005 Instances running in the same server using named pipes.

    Can anyone help me to solve this issue in connecting to the SQL 2000 through named pipes.

    My Blog -> http://www.sqlserverdba.co.cc

  • Did you go thru the following link:-


    Alos, check it once(http://sqladvice.com/blogs/repeatableread/archive/2005/03/04/4262.aspx)

    To force a connection to use Named-Pipes, just append np: before the name of your server. Examples in Query Analyzer (or Profiler) look like:





  • Hi Manu,

    Thanks for reply! i did all these but still the same issue. I'm able to connect to SQL 2005 instance in the same server using np: and even makepipe and readpipe is working for dummy pipe abc but it is not working for this particular 2000 instance.

    I restarted the server once again and checked the SQL Server is listening in Named Pipes but still not able to connect to this instance named pipe... Any other ways to trace or resolve?

    My Blog -> http://www.sqlserverdba.co.cc

  • Hi All,

    Even after trying all above possiblities and if your named pipe issue is still not resolved then 'REINSTALL SQL SERVER INSTANCE' it will work.. 🙂

    Microsoft is my boss..

    My Blog -> http://www.sqlserverdba.co.cc

  • Hi Manu,

    Thanks a ton for your reply 🙂

    It worked like a Charm 😉

    Here is what I did first

    Problem: Windows XP clients cannot connect to our Default instance, so

    1) I tried to use the np:[ServerName] prefix and then closed Query Analyzer and relaunched it again. This time without specifying the np: prefix, was able to get the XP Clients talk to SQL Server Again 🙂


    Best Regards

    Anil Mahadev

    Senior SQL Server DBA




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